Complete 4/7 Ring Ka King Results: Fatal Four Way Tag Match

Ring Ka KingThanks to Darshan Chokhani for sending this in:

Show starts with RDX in the ring with Jeff starting off saying that he got lot of complaints of weak matches last week and so this week he will make some interesting matches including a Battle Royal for determining the No.1 Contender for RKK title. He is interrupted by Jwala who comes and asks as to why he won't fight in the Battle Royal? He was given a sweeping stick by Dutt and asked to sweep RKK floors but Jwala hit the RDX team. The numbers game played the role here as the RDX hit him. As they hit him, the sumo wrestler came in the sumo attire in the ring and the whole RDX team ran away.

Backstage: Ram interviews Veera about his match tonight with Adonis.

Match 1 (Fatal 4 way No.1 Contender match for tag team titles): Bollywood Boys VS Hollywood & Broadway VS Pathani Pathhe VS The Sheiks (with Raisha)- It was first of a kind match in RKK. A fatal 4 way match, more so a tag team fatal 4 way match as set by Jeff Jarrett. It was indeed a great match up between the tag teams, some great moves. Raisha did interfere but it didn't help The Sheiks as Bollywood Boys picked up the win to become the No.1 contender for tag team titles. Post match they celebrated along with Pathani Pathhe.

Ring Ka King Office: Ram interviews RKK lawyer about the sumo wrestler and Harbhajan's meet with investors when RDX team came in threatened the lawyer.

A promo shown where few of the wrestlers vowed to win the Battle Royal and become the No.1 Contender.

Match 2: Veera VS Adonis (with Shera)- This match was important for Veera as Jarrett had put a stipulation that if he wins today, only then he can participate in the Battle Royal. It was a good match, Veera has improved quite a bit. Shera tried to interfere twice, first time successful while second time he was hit by Adonis himself which gave Veera to hit Adonis with his finishing move and take up the win and thereby securing his place.

Post match RKK lawyer came with the sumo wrestler who is introduced as Yamamotoyama (as I had predicted earlier). The lawyer added that Harbhajan Singh had send him here. He continued that Harbhjan will be here tomorrow with one more surprise.

Tomorrow's matches: Battle Royal for No.1 Contender of RKK title, Raisha VS Angelina, Dutt VS Jimmy Rave and Harbhajan surprise.