TNA House Show Results (3/25): Erie, Pennsylvania

Impact WrestlingThanks to Corey for sending in the following:

Erie, PA 3/25 Tullio Arena

To start off the night Don West was in the lobby doing his usual shtick, selling stuff. Ending up getting the program I was going to buy anyway included in the famous Brown Bag Special, along with an Impact Wrestling t-shirt, 4 DVDS, a TNA Legend action figure, and the bag. They also offered a $20 action figure set with Kurt Angle and Mr. Anderson, which you got to go backstage and have signed by them before the show, which I took advantage of. He also was offering an exact mold of the TNA World Heavyweight Title for $375, which included the aforementioned deals, plus a chance to go backstage during intermission.

Since I bought floor tickets, we got a meet and greet before the show, in which Robbie E, Gunner, Zema Ion, Garett Bischoff, and Magnus came ringside to sign autographs and pose for pictures. Afterwards when the other fans were allowed in, Austin Aries signed free autographs. Then the people with the action figures and Heavyweight belts got to go back and get them signed by Kurt Angle and Mr. Anderson, and Don West was in the ring throwing out free merchandise.

Next up was show time and Jeremy Borash gave out backstage passes which he did throughout the night.

Robbie E. vs Mr. Anderson-

Robbie E. came out first to boos and a small Robbie E. chant, followed by Anderson, who when he would usually have has mic drop down, was interrupted by Robbie E. Robbie said the only reason the fans came tonight was to see him fist pump, and then he preceded to dance and fist pump. He then asked for the music to be played for Mr. Anderson, who did a few moves of his own before starting the match.

Decent back and forth match, Robbie got more offense in then you would think. Mr. Anderson finished him off with the Mic Check, and then announced himself as the winner, Mr. Ke……..Anderson!

Garett Bischoff vs Gunner

Slight change from the advertised card here, originally was Crimson vs. Gunner. Gunner came out to fair heel heat, followed by Garett who got a small pop and a few chants here and there. This match was slightly dominated by Gunner, but Garett caught a nice roll up pin for the victory.

Mickie James vs Gail Kim for the Knockouts Title

Mickie James came out to a nice pop, followed by Gail who got some nice heat. Crowd was surprisingly into this one, and was a good match, where each of them reversed the other finisher. Gail caught a roll up to retain the title. After the match Mickie got a standing ovation from the crowd.

Magnus vs RVD

Magnus came out to almost entirely boos, and got to play the heel tonight. Next was RVD, who was way over. He came ringside and shook everyone's hand before starting the match. Magnus got some offense to start off, and then it was all RVD. RVD hit the Rolling Thunder, followed by the 5 Star Frog Splash for the win.


Don West throughout more free merchandise, and Gail Kim was signing for free. People who bought the $375 Heavyweight belt got to go backstage at this time.

Zema Ion vs Austin Aries for the X Division Championship

Zema Ion came out first to some heat, doing his whole hairspray entrance. Austin Aries came out next to a slight pop, which progressed during the match. He pretty much played the face in this one and acknowledged some of the cheers he got during his entrance. To start off the match a pretty funny moment occurred when Zema Ion told Aries to watch his hair, because he spent 4 hours working on it. Aries got a Last Chancery submission for the win.

Bully Ray vs Kurt Angle vs James Storm

Another slight change from the advertised card, which was a tag match with Garett Bischoff and James Storm vs Kurt Angle and Bully Ray. Bully Ray came out and stared down some people in the crowd, and then invited anyone 'man enough' to come in the ring. A Hulk Hogan impersonator was then singled out, holding a sign that said 'Where do U Find Huge Calves, Under Big Cows' which James Storm held up later. Kurt Angle came out next, to actually one of loudest pops of the night, and he even shook some hands. Not surprising though, considering Erie is 2 hours from Pittsburgh. James Storm came out next to an equally loud pop next.
 Before the match, Bully Ray informed Angle to stand back and he would take care of Storm, which he struggled with until Angle jumped in. Once Storm came back, Bully Ray took a swing of beer, only for Storm to hit the last call and sending the beer flying for the win. This match was actually a bit short, but entertaining.

Afterwards, you got to go in the ring for a picture with Storm for 20 dollars. Excellent experience, definitely worth every penny. I would recommend a TNA house show to any wrestling fan.

Biggest pops-
James Storm
Kurt Angle

Most heat-
Bully Ray
Zema Ion and Robbie E.