WWE Raw House Show Results (3/9): Toronto, Ontario

WWE RawThanks to Kurtis Hooper for sending in the following:

Toronto, Ontario: Raw House Show results March 9th 2012

Match #1 Santino vs Jack Swagger for the US title
Extremely funny as one can imagine. Santino was extremely popular with the crowd.  
Lots of ground routines involving the two, headlocks and takedowns.
Santino wins with the Cobra.

Match #2 JTG vs Ryback
I still don't know who the heel and the face were for this as JTG high fived fans, while being booed, and
Ryback acted like a dominant face, raising his arms often and being the heroic guy.
Ryback wins.

Match #3 Eve vs Kelly Kelly
Eve at one point tried to make friends with Kelly Kelly, but came to blows again. Kelly screams even more in person
then it comes off as on television.
Eve wins.

Match #4 Miz vs R Truth
Fun match, Miz got on the mic before hand and got the crowd riled up.  The best part was Truth went from one side to the other of the ring saying what's up, but each time he left that side to go to another the Miz would then walk over to those fans ans say "really?".  It was hilarious.

Match #5 Chris Jericho vs Kofi Kingston
Started off slow, but got exciting near the end.  Loads of near falls, and at one point I thought Kofi was going to win, but then remembered that wouldn't happen of course.
Jericho wins with a botched codebreaker.

Match #6 Primo and Epico vs Mason Ryan and Alex Riley
Lets call em Mason Riley for now.  Fun match, a great story told with Primo and Epico being afraid of Ryan.  Riley did two amazing maneuvers I have never actually seen before, impressing me quite a bit.
Primo and Epico win with a backstabber.

Match #7 John Cena vs Kane in a last man standing match
Two tables, a chair, the ring bell, the mic and the steps were used as weapons. I wanted to hear a promo by Cena but he didn't touch the mic.  
Cena gives AA to Kane through the table for win.

Match #8 CM Punk vs Dolph Ziggler for the WWE title
The match was awful, just joking it was amazing!  Really fun match, a year later since the last house show in the Ricoh Colosseum and I'm even more impressed by Mr Ziggles. Two interruptions by Jericho, CM Punk did the sharpshooter at one point, and some great top rope dives as well.
CM Punk retains.

Top Cheers
3. Santino
2. R Truth
1. Punk

Top Heat
3. Jack Swagger
2. Dolph Ziggler
1. The Miz

Jericho had a loud mixed reaction, even getting cheers from kids.  C'mon is it possible for him to get booed in Canada?
I couldn't even tell what reaction Cena was getting, I'd say 60 percent cheers, 40 percent booes.  But there were loads of people behind me yelling into my ears so I couldn't exactly tell. There were also loads of guys who just booed everyone for the sake of it.