Cena Confirms Musical Raw, Former TNA Star Works SD! Match

Former TNA Star Works SD! Dark Match

Several readers have sent in word that FCW star Xavier Woods, formerly known as Consequences Creed in TNA, worked a dark match at last night's Smackdown taping, and defeated Hunico. Woods is said to be impressing both FCW and WWE officials at the moment.

Cena Confirms Musical Raw

As previously reported, WWE ran a commercial at the end of Raw this week promoting that next week's show will be the "Rock concert, Cena rap." In what appears to be confirmation that the show will indeed feature both The Rock and Cena performing musically, Cena posted the following on Twitter:

Prep school thug will be ready for cleveland. Hope great one has is notes right. I meant musical notes…not notes on his hand. 16 hours ago via TweetCaster for Android ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto


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