Brutus Beefcake Speaks On Linda Hogan, Warrior & HOF Hopes

WWE Legend Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake recently joined Casey Ford on ESPN 970 in Marquette, MI, and spoke on a number of topics including the WWE Hall of Fame and Linda Hogan. Below are some highlights, and you can check out the entire interview by clicking on the above link:

-Brutus will be wrestling in Aurora, Wisconsin for UPW (Ultimate Pro Wrestling) this weekend and he explains how he exactly “The Barber” Gimmick came about back in the WWF.

Brutus then goes on to “Shoot” on the “Warrior” James Hellwig: "James was a regular guy until he got the belt, then he kind of flipped on us, and became real unpredictable and I haven’t had any contact with him in 15 years. Hulk went out of his of his way for years to help other guys and “Warrior” couldn’t help himself he such an Idiot."

On the Topic of Linda Hogan:
"Linda Hogan is bitter, she is going thru a hard time, because she has $35million and nobody knows who she is. Linda Hogan is just trying to cause more hurt, and it’s got to stop sometime its just ridiculous. Hulk has filed a lawsuit in court; I am getting ready to file mine in a couple of weeks."

Who he enjoyed working with in WWF/WCW:
"I always enjoyed working with: Greg “The Hammer” Valentine, “Mr. Perfect” Curt Henning and its just a terrible loss, Tito Santana, and Rick Martel."

On The WWE Hall of Fame:
"I hope I get a phone call, I’m not holding my breath, Life will go on if it doesn’t happen, but I find it illogical to have Koko B. Ware and Sunny, nothing against these people there all my friends, they came along 15 years after me in the business. I am not bitter about it I am happy for them and wish them the best of luck. They are inducting marks and actors and people who were only involved into a couple of shows into the Hall of Fame and its kind of an insult."