Second Detailed Report of 3/3 WWE House Show in Ottawa

WWE RawThanks to Devon Platana for sending this in:

Hey guys, I'm Devon from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Tonight I was at the WWE Raw live show from Scotia Bank Place. There were about 5000 – 7000 people in attendance. I checked out the merch stand and it was pretty much CM Punk shirts, Cena shirts, Rock shirts, Miz shirts, Kane shirts, Orton shirts, and the usual chains and hats, etc. The special promo of the night were signed John Cena and CM Punk shirts. A lot of people seemed to buy the Cena and Punk shirts(as usual). I haven't seen a house show in over a few years(SD and Raw came here in 2010 and 2011, both were televised), so I was skeptical at first. Many kids in attendance.

1. Brodus Clay defeated Michael McGillicutty – This match actually got a bit more time than the usual Clay match because McGillicutty actually got some offense in! Brodus only had one dancer and he did his usual gyrating and whatnot(very interesting to see live). Brodus won via pin after he hit a body splash on a lying down McGillicutty.

2. Kelly Kelly and Eve (well not totally Eve) defeated the Bella Twins – Eve came out first a cut a promo about how it's not her fault that men fall for her and she was going to prove that she was a classy woman. The crowd chanted "We Want Ryder" and "Hoeski" all throughout the short promo. Kelly came out too a loud pop. I was surprised to see that they were partners. The Bellas came out to decent heat, I guess. Eve tagged herself in and out in the match to get herself some heat. Brie Bella was funny through the match as she provided funny comments(Nelson's "Haha" from the Simpsons). Kelly was about to tag in Eve, but then Eve walked away leaving it as a two on one. Kelly pinned Nikki, I think, with her finisher.

3. Xavier Woods defeated Curt Hawkins – This match wasn't that bad either. Hawkins came out to a little heat. No one really cheered for Xavier because no one knew who he was. What was cool about Woods was that he had "Over 9000"(in honor of the famous internet meme) on his tights. Woods is very athletic and I could see him having fun matches with guys like Tyson Kidd, Sin Cara, etc on the roster. Some guy in the front row called Hawkins a jobber and then Hawkins looked at him and said "I'm not sure what a jobber is". I thought that was funny. Another funny thing was when Hawkins was messing with Woods, he said "Hey, you're not Kofi. What are you doing here?" That was golden. Woods won when he jumped off of the turnbuckle and hit a diving DDT on Hawkins. Woods got a massive pop at the end of the match.

4. Jack Swagger defeated Mason Ryan to defend the United States championship – This might have been my least favourite match of the night, or at least tied with the opener. Swagger came out to little heat, but Ryan got a loud pop. No "Batista" chants this time. Mason Ryan is absolutely jacked in real life and this is my second time seeing him. I'm still amazed! I was hoping Ryan improved in ring. I don't see anything major as his offense really consisted of powerslams, a suplex, and some clotheslines. At the start of the match Swagger flexed and did pushups. The Ryan flexed and did pushups while clapping, before Swagger attacked him. Mason Ryan ended up tapping out in the ankle lock for a Swagger retain.

5. Chris Jericho defeated Kofi Kingston – The usual Jericho entrance. He then got on the mic and started talking. He said that Punk asked him if he invented Canada on Raw, but Jericho said tonight that if he invented Canada he wouldn't have invented Ottawa. Y2J called us SNOTtawa. Kofi came out to a pretty good pop. This match was the best one so far on the night. Kofi escaped the Walls and even hit Trouble in Paradise, but Y2J got his fought on the rope. Then Jericho did his thumb to the eye followed by a Codebreaker for the win.

Intermission. Roberts plugs the autographs, shirts, and says WWE will come back in the near future.

6. Epico and Primo defeated Santino and R-Truth to retain the Tag Team Championships – R-Truth entered with his "What's Up" theme and actually started doing his rapping again and saying the catchphrase again. The kids seemed to love it! Santino came out to probably the loudest pop of the night so far. Santino came out with a hockey helmet on and even was holding a hockey stick! The crowd loved that. He even pretended to take shots and told Justin Roberts to shoot on him! Epico and Primo came out to…not a lot of heat with Rosa. Santino was about to hit the Cobra on Primo(I think), but Rosa distracted and gave enough time for a Backstabber to be hit on Santino for the win.

7. John Cena defeated Kane in a No DQ match – John Cena comes out to the most cheers of the night(so far). The crowd was split 70/30 in favor of cheers for Cena. Kane came out and looked pretty good live. The match wasn't the most amazing match, but it had nice spots like Cena getting Irish whipped into standing stairs, various chair shots, and mic shots. Kane hit his chokeslam and everyone thought it was over, but Cena kicked out and ended up hitting the AA for the win. Cena actually never even hit the 5-knuckle shuffle to complete the 5 moves of doom.

8. CM Punk defeated Dolph Ziggler w/Jericho at ringside to defend the WWE Championship – This was match of the night. Everyone got up for Punk when he came out.  Ziggler got heat and Jericho got a lot of heat when he was introduced as the outside ref. He told Punk all the rules and not to mess with him. Punk says he understands if Jericho understands to kiss his ass. The match was great and balanced between the two. Ziggler said to Jericho that Punk pulled his tights and hair and then Jericho told the ref. Punk asked the crowd if they saw either and they said no. Then Punk told the ref that he would pull Dolph's hair and he did. It was funny. The ref got knocked over so Jericho had to take over. Punk made Ziggler tap, but Jericho refused to call the bell. Punk nailed Ziggler with a kick and then pinned him, but Y2J refused to count. Jericho hit the Codebreaker on Punk and rolled Ziggler on him, but Punk kicked out at two. Punk then kicked a chair that Jericho was holding into his face. He countered Ziggler into a GTS and beat him to send the crowd home happy.

It was a great show. Not the best house show I've seen, but it was a lot of fun. The kids in the arena loved and I heard a lot of them talking about how Cena got so lucky  that he beat Kane or how funny Santino is.

Top Cheers

1. CM Punk

2. John Cena

3. Santino Marella

4. Jericho (before his promo)

5. Kelly Kelly

Top Heat

1. Jericho (after the promo and for the rest of the night)

2. Dolph Ziggler

3. Kane

4. Jack Swagger

5. Eve


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