CSR Teams With PWR & AfterMath For WrestleMania Weekend

Wrestlezone's Chair Shot Reality is proud to announce that history will be made for internet wrestling fans.

Chair Shot Reality will team up with "Pro Wrestling Report" of My Milwaukee TV & PWRshow.com and "Aftermath" of The Score for a WrestleMania 28 weekend special.

The weekend features the crew hosting the 2nd annual Kevin Nash WrestleMania party at Ocean's Ten in Miami on Friday, March 30th.. The party will feature Kevin Nash, Sean Waltman, Maria Kanellis and more! Tickets can be purchased at PWRshow.com

Saturday, March 31st, a filming of the WrestleMania 28 special will take place at 1pm EST at Shuckers Bar & Grill. All 6 co-hosts will preview and talk WrestleMania and more in front of a live audience. The special will air in 3 parts on WrestleMania Sunday on Wrestlezone. It is free for all ages to attend.

It is requested that if you plan to attend the filming on Saturday, email chairshotreality@yahoo.com and provide your name as well as an estimate on how many people will be in your party.

Follow CSR co-host Justin LaBar on Twitter

Follow CSR co-host Josh Isenberg on Twitter

Follow Aftermatch co-host Arda Ocal on Twitter

Follow Aftermatch co-host Jimmy Korderas on Twitter

Follow PWR co-host Dameon Nelson on Twitter

Follow PWR co-host David Herro on Twitter

WrestleMania 28