WWE Diva Kaitlyn Posts Blog Talking New Year’s Resolutions

The following is an excerpt from a new blog by current WWE Diva Kaitlyn:

Happy Hardbody New Year

So it’s about that time we start thinking about the new year and a new set of resolutions and promises to ourselves. For some of us it’s weight loss, a new workout regimen, save money, or my personal favorite… stop drinking. For others, it’s to conserve water (bathe less), stimulate the economy (buy an ass-load of stuff you will never use), or “go green” (act like you care about the environment in order to look more attractive to that hot guy, with the dreads, that works at Whole Foods).

Maybe you fully intend on focusing on the next year and improving yourself as a person, inside and out, or maybe you’re goals are superficial and materialistic.

Regardless of your intentions, I feel as though New Years resolutions are short lived and something we are all just… programmed to do. New Years resolutions are often prostituted by people that believe they can change a large aspect of their life just like THAT. (I made a poor attempt to snap my fingers aggressively to emphasize the quickness of the word “that”).

I mean, really what’s the difference between December 31st and January 1st? Besides your blood alcohol level, it’s just another day. In most cases, I believe people make resolutions just because everyone else is doing it. Perhaps, it does provide a certain kind of motivation. It’s a new year, a fresh start, a chance to reinvent yourself. For one reason or another, most fall back into their same routine, same bad habits, and same “fat” jeans. I hate my fat jeans. They haunt me in my dreams.

Check out the complete blog online at HardBody.com.