*Spoilers:* Another Detailed WWE Smackdown Report For 10/28

-Daniel Bryan b. Tyson Kidd back and forth match with Bryan taking it by submission with the LeBell lock.

-Michael Cole repeated his actions from Raw, standing on the announce table and mocking Jim Ross with the doctored photos. Cole then announced that JR had accepted the Michael Cole Challenge for this Monday.

-Big Show cut an in-ring promo about his match with Mark Henry at Vengeance and said that Teddy Long has promised him a rematch very soon. Henry interrupts and says that he's finished with Big Show after Vengeance. Henry almost entered the ring, but backed down. They stare each other down.

-CM Punk b. Christian. During the match, Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez came down to distract Punk and Sheamus followed chasing Rio and Ricardo out and distacting Christian allowing CM Punk to hit the GTS for the win.

-Tony Chimel announces that tonight will feature a 41-man Raw vs. Smackdown battle royal.

-Sheamus won the 41-man battle royal. The apparent final four were The Miz, R-Truth, and Randy Orton. Christian had hid outside the ring for much of the match and slid in at the end to try to eliminate Sheamus, but Sheamus eliminated Christian to win. Christian claimed he still deserves one more match for the World Heavyweight Championship.