Major Update On Big Show-Chavo Guerrero Fight; Puder’s Backstage Reputation

– In a story we have yet to make mention of on the site, a few reports made the rounds last week that the Big Show and Chavo Guerrero got into a fight backstage at the SmackDown tapings two weeks ago in Greenville, SC. Although not much is known regarding the details, Chavo was said to have snapped at Big Show about a comment he made regarding smaller and bigger wrestlers. According to those who heard it, Chavo called Big Show fat and lazy. This in turn saw Big Show throw Chavo across the dressing room. WWE agents and wrestlers broke it up quickly before anything else could happen.

– For those who remember the comments made on SmackDown with the Tough Enough contestants accusing Daniel Puder of being a “brown noser”, they were reportedly dead on regarding Puder’s backstage reputation. Those backstage said Puder did his best to “schmooze” with anyone he could to get in their good graces. One WWE source added, “He’s a master politician with his head up anyone’s ass who has power.”

– On a related note, Puder reportedly went around backstage saying how well he did in the Dixie Dogfight boxing match at the Armageddon PPV last Sunday. Many said Puder was extremely overconfident before the fight and ended up looking bad after the first round when Mizanin did fairly well. Puder then attempted to change his strategy, but appeared more winded and only got in a few punches on Mizanin in the second and final round. The impression among other WWE talent was that Puder didn’t exactly come out of the fight looking any better than Mizanin did despite Puder winning the contract this past week.