Former WWE Diva At Hall Of Fame Ceremony; Vince, & More

[Credit: PWInsider]

— Vince McMahon was at the WWE Hall Of Fame show last night, but stayed backstage the whole time.

— Most of the wrestlers were there with their families. Former WWE diva Gail Kim was there with one of the Bashams, who is her fiancée.

Thanks to Carol for sending in the following live notes from the ceremony:

“The section I was sitting in (right behind the board) had a LOT of empty seats. I gather we never made it on TV because of our position.

One thing I noticed was that there was a LOT of heckling. However, when Piper was speaking you could almost hear a pin drop for parts of it. I’m not sure what that meant, but he was the one I looked most forward to seeing inducted.

At the end, the guy who shouted “Hogan sucks” was sitting right next to me…it was frightening to see the crowd react to that. He’d had quite a bit to drink though.

I was amused by Piper asking if HBO was there, but I was also amused at Flair saying there was “no robe” when he described a plane flight he’d taken with Piper.

Overall, it was a great time.”