WrestleMania XXI for GameCube Update, WWE/TNA, More

Thanks to Adam Lebow for sending this in:

I was snooping around again today over at the WWE Corporate site and found that they have a very nice looking Contact site showing how to get in contact with WWE at its different Head Quarters. On the site, it gives contact information for Press on Deadlines, how to get Credentials for backstage access, etc. Interesting, they again say they dont take in scripts, ideas, etc, but they list a phone number to call along with it this time. It reads as follows:

“Please do not send or e-mail any ideas/proposals for storylines, character development, scripts, marketing or business operations. WWE, Inc., does not consider or review these materials. 203-352-8600”

The Del Rio News-Hearld has a fluf piece that was published today in its paper available at http://www.delrionewsherald.com/report.lasso?wcd=8615 . It pretty much goes over the storylines for the last week in both WWE/TNA and the new USA deal.

1UP.com has had a chance to preview the forthcomming WWE Wrestlemania 21 game for the XBOX. It appears as if this game will be a total rehaul of the source code and will be nothing like the last two RAW brand games. Career mode looks to be the focal point but there are still some kinks before the game goes public that need to be worked out, such as guys doing run-ins and attacking the wrong guy!