NWA News And Notes For February 9, 2009













I’ m recording weekly segments on WHO’s SLAMMING WHO @

http://www.myspace.com/whosslammingwho/     and http://www.whosslammingwho.podmatic.com/    (for podcasts)

updated MONDAYS @ 6PM, and then available for at least a week thereafter.   Also recording are Jerry Jarrett, Jim Cornette, Jody Hamilton, and more.


This week’s report discusses TNA, WWE & “the holy grail” of wrestling.



2/7 NWA Anarchy Report by Larry Goodman


NWA Anarchy ran their bimonthly television taping at the NWA Arena in Cornelia Saturday night. It was a good show in front of what was, by Anarchy standards, a strangely subdued crowd.


With 190 in the house, I would venture to say there’s never been a quieter crowd of that size at an Anarchy show. It’s a curious thing. They’re watching. They’re engaged. What they’re not doing is getting emotionally invested. It’s more of a wait-and-see approach. The transitional nature of the storylines accounts for part of it but not all. They’re not seeing enough stars.


Crowd response aside, last night’s taping should make for two solid hours of TV. Match quality was fine. The stories are starting to jell. There was a major storyline development in the form of a stretcher job by the indomitable Mikal Judas at the hands of Kimo. They did well in area that’s been a little lacking – running angles that specifically hype the next show.


(1) Hayden Young & Bo Newsome & Caleb Konley beat Bobby Shields & Robert Beverly & John Kronica in 6:38. The job guys were imports from NWA East. Depending on your frame of reference, Shields looked like a young Tommy Rogers or son of Randy the Ram – a good look in any case. The other guys pretty much sucked. They forgot their task was to make the Anarchy guys look like gold. Konley facially has a bit of a James Storm thing going. He hit a nice double flying lariat early. Bo took the heat. Kronica used Mike Knox’s finisher for a near fall. Why? Finish saw Konley level Beverly with an ax kick and Young followed with a spectacular Flying Squirrel for the pin.


On the WrestleVision, we saw Johnson conduct a backstage interview with Seth Delay aka De Ladies Man aka Seth Delay Mignon. Delay said he had the hands of steel (steel in his hand is more like it). “Like a bad economy, it’s a punch you just cannot escape, baby.” Alan Funk showed up in his “Funkster” character. Delay didn’t know how to take this. Either did the crowd. Delay bumped knuckles with JJ, who sold it like he broke one.



(2) Todd Sexton beat T.K. Cross via DQ in 5:43. Sexton usually takes a cerebral approach to his matches, so even when they don’t get heat, at least they’re interesting. After a rude dumped to the floor, Sexton got a near fall with a short arm lariat and blasted Cross with headbutts. Cross ducked a short arm lariat and countered with spinning neckbreaker. Cross broke into a Japanese Strong Style routine. He hit a bridging dragon suplex that got zero reaction. Sexton superkicked Cross and went into Randy Orton mode with the Sexecution (running knee to the cranium). Sexton pulled Cross up at two and set up for another head shot. Slim J hit the ring for the save.


Sexton gave Slim hell for his lack of restraint – “Way to be the pro.” I had no problem despising Sexton in this angle.


Jeff Lewis and his protégé Mike Moseley entered and were immediately attacked by “Merciless” Don Matthews. Matthews was handing them their asses until the odds became too much. Hollywood Brunettes (Kyle Matthews & Andrew Alexander) made the save. Or so it appeared. Instead, they tried to break Don’s knees. It turned into a 4-on-1 annihilation with Lewis having the honor of laying Don out with a spinning neckbreaker. Nice surprise, but they’re missing the boat by not breaking Kyle out as a babyface singles wrestler.


(3) Seth Delay beat Alan Funk in 4:06. Thanks to Delay, this was the single best thing that’s happened for Funk since his arrival in Anarchy. Delay sold huge for Funk’s offense, taking no less than seven knockdown chops. His chest was beet red. The crowd popped for Funk’s spinning facebuster. The beating continued until Delay put Funk’s lights out with a knuck shot when debuting ref Jeff McGowan wasn’t looking.


(4) Azrael (with The Reverend) beat Billy Buck to retain the Young Lion’s Title in 4:13. Azrael is the freaking man. It’s that demented twist he’s put on the Young Lion’s Title. Instead of a league dominated by little guys flying around doing pretty aerial moves, Son of Satan has made it his personal ass kicking division. Buck was the perfect guy for this spot – a pastel cowboy sell monkey. Azrael destroyed Buck with chops and a running knee to the face. Azrael blocked Buck’s vaunted bionic elbows. Buck finally started to come back and went for the Samoan Drop, but Azrael countered with the Ted Bundy, and that was all she wrote. Good stuff.


(5) Mikal Judas & Shadow Jackson beat Jeremy Vain & Mr. Rob Adonis in 10:12. Big pops for Jackson and Judas. First time around, Vain cowered when Jackson threatened with the bionic elbow. Second time around, he got nailed. Judas looked invincible. Adonis was able to get the advantage on Jackson. Jackson came back with chops and jumped up to the second rope. Adonis picked him off with an enzuigiri. Impressive move by the big man. Adonis continued to punish Jackson with power moves. Judas ran wild with the hot tag. He brought Vain in the hardway and destroyed the heels 1 on 2. Finish was an awesome version of El Crucifijo (Border Toss) by Judas. He tossed Vain halfway across the ring easy. This match worked like a charm. Total domination by Judas. And so it should be, if he’s the top guy on the babyface side. Vain did his usual awesome bumping and selling. After the match, Adonis got tired of carrying Vain out and dragged his lifeless body up the ramp by his arms.


(6) Malachi beat Adrian Hawkins in 5 minutes. If it was July, you could have heard the crickets chirping. Match was fine. Malachi went high impact with a gutwrench and a german suplex early. Hawkins dropped Malachi face first on the top turnbuckle out of a modified Gori Special. Hawkins focused his attack on Malachi’s shoulder. Malachi hit a snap power slam and went up top while selling the shoulder. Hawkins met him with a superplex. With both men flat on their backs mid-ring, Ref Dee Byers ruled that Malachi got a shoulder up and Hawkins did not.


Johnson was backstage with Shaun Tempers. Tempers said his scheduled tag partner, Truitt Fields had a family emergency (This was legit. Fields’ grandfather is gravely ill) and introduced Newsome as his replacement. Tempers left firing up like Tommy Rich. Newsome looked up to find the freaky Skirra Corvus sitting on the rafters.


{7) Shaun Tempers & Bo Newsome beat The Technicians (Bobby Moore & Tyler Smith) in 4:46. Tempers’ babyface turn is taking. He was talking a blue streak throughout the match. Technicians did some innovative stuff working on Newsome’s gut. Newsome did a nice back flip over the top of Smith to make the hot tag. Tempers destroyed the Techs with fists of fire and hit a northern lights suplex on Smith. Moore intervened. The Techs set up the Hart Attack, but Newsome cut Moore off with a dropkick and Tempers pinned Smith with a spinning hangman neckbreaker. Same story as most of the show – a good match that had little heat.


Attorney/Agent Jeff G. Bailey entered the ring with Kimo and NWA National Champion Shatter. The show instantly jumped to higher plane. Both men have totally major league looks. Bailey talked about the heritage of Shatter’s NWA National Title, mentioning Dusty Rhodes, Tully Blanchard, Nikita Koloff, Ted DeBiase and Tommy Rich as former champions. Bailey said Judas caught Kimo by surprise the last two times by coming out with the lights off. “Kimo is the hand of doom towering above your head.” Bailey invited Judas to meet Kimo face-to-face. He said there would be no hocus pocus, and ordered Shatter to step aside. Judas came out. They stood toe-to-toe. Judas pulled off Kimo’s head piece and they started going at it. Judas goozled Kimo. Kimo delivered a karate thrust to the throat. Kimo goozled Judas. They each had the other guy by the throat. Kimo started to sink to the mat. Bailey yelled, “Get ‘em.” Shatter cracked Judas across the back of the head with the title belt. While Shatter held Judas, Kimo reeled off a rapid fire series of martial arts blows. Kimo finished with a stiff thrust to throat. Judas went down face first. Bailey said Judas was dead and did his evil cackling laugh. A crew of Anarchy folks came out to tend to Judas including owner Jerry Palmer, Bill Behrens, Rockwell, Tempers and Jackson. Rockwell stopped long enough to eyeball Kimo. When they turned Judas over, he was bleeding from the mouth. They solemnly loaded Judas onto a backboard and carried him out. Best segment of the show. Head and shoulder above everything else, really, because it was such great theater. With larger than life characters like this group, suspension of disbelief is no problem.


{8) Ace Rockwell beat Brodie Chase in 7:13. Chase attacked Rockwell before the bell. Chase got a call from above to do the strut. He stepped on Rockwell’s back. Rockwell roared back, staggering Chase with lariats and taking him down with a flying shoulder block. Rockwell mocked Chase’s strut and stepped on his nuts. Rest of the match was Chase punishing Rockwell with power moves. Rockwell escaped from Chase’s pumphandle neckbreaker and hit the Aces High out of nowhere for the pin. As a top level babyface, Rockwell needed to go over stronger against a midcard heel.


Rockwell said what happened to Judas was crap. He said he had been on that end and left laying by Kimo. Rockwell issued a challenge for 2/21: Rockwell & Fields vs. Kimo & Shatter. His talking was fine, but the crowd was scary dead for a Rockwell promo.


(9) Talent & Money (JT Talent & Drew Pendleton) beat NWA Anarchy Champions New Wave (Steven Walters & Derrick Driver) via DQ in 3:24. It was over before it really got going. They didn’t wait for the bell to start fighting. It quickly turned into big time heat on Walters. Pendleton exploded a chair shot across Walters’ back. Driver went into a rage and wouldn’t get out of the ring resulting in a DQ by referee Wes Grissom. The finish caught fans by surprise. They understandably didn’t want to do too much, because it was a set up for 2/21, but this was too short to even wet appetites. It didn’t help that Kevin Marx announced New Wave as the winners.


Palmer came out. He said the ref was just doing his job and it was his fault, because he should have known better. Palmer made a no DQ rematch for 2/21.


NOTES: Shatter will be in California for the NWA Showcase tapings on 3/14-15…To clarify the status of Shatter’s status with WWE, he is not under contract at this time…Kyle Matthews’ match versus Shane Matthews in Portland, Tn aired on the January 21 NWA Main Event TV show…Melissa Coates worked the World 1 South show in Ellaville last night…Adonis, Matthews, Hawkins and Sal Rinauro are all scheduled for the Great Championship Wrestling event in Phenix City, Al on 2/12. It’s a fundraiser for Maegan Johnson…Joe Dombrowski from NWA East worked as color commentator…APW has their next supershow – “Friday the 13th” – next Friday night in Royston with Delay(c) vs. Slim for the Southern States title on top along Vain vs. Jackson, a Ty Cobb Street Fight: Matthews vs. John Carnage, and a Country Whipping Match.



NWA Anarchy/APW Royston, GA Results for 2/6/09


North Georgia Champion Chris King defeated “Studd Muffin” Shawn Sweat


The Franchise defeated The Marvelous Superstars


Southern States Champion Seth Delay defeated Matt Sells


Brandon Parker with Kevin Duncan defeated Bo Newsom


APW Tag Team Champions, The Hate Junkies defeated BJ Hancock & Donovan Sweet


Shadow Jackson defeated Adryan Hawkins


John Carnage defeated Slim J 


Make plans to attend “Friday the 13th” next Friday at the Royston Gym in Royston, Ga (On Cherry Street right behind Royston Elementary School)     SPECIAL 8PM BELLTIME







NWA Anarchy/ APW
February 13, 2009
Friday the 13th
Royston Gym
Royston, GA

Main Event
APW Southern States Heavyweight Title Match
Seth DeLay (c) vs. Slim J

APW North Georgia Heavyweight Title Match
Chris King (c) vs. Dustin Michaels

Former Champs Clash
Jeremy Vain vs. Shadow Jackson

Ty Cobb Street Fight
John Carnage vs. Don Matthews

Country Whippin Match
Brandon Parker & Saint Anthony vs.
Bo Newsome & Kareem Abdul Jamar

If Talent Loses, It’s A Date!!
J.T. Talent vs. Donovan Sweet

Plus the Hate Junkies will defend the APW Tag Team title and much more
Card Subject to Change.

For more information on APW, go to:





NWA Rolls Out First City In Major 2009 Expansion As “NWA Wrestling Showcase” hits the air and live events begin in Sioux Falls

Hollywood, CA (Feb. 4, 2009) – The National Wrestling Alliance®, along with broadcast partner Big Vision Entertainment, is pleased to announce that “NWA™ Wrestling Showcase” will begin airing on My Network TV affiliate MyUTV Channel 10 in Sioux Falls, SD.  The program will run on both Saturdays and Sundays at 2:00 PM beginning Feb. 7th.  Then, on March 1, NWA will debut at the Sioux Falls Arena with an action-packed family-friendly live event. 

Robert K. Trobich, NWA Executive Director said “We are very excited to have Sioux Falls become our first market where both a broadcast version of the new “NWA Wrestling Showcase” program and live events will be available to wrestling fans.  MyUTV certainly has the ability to create additional awareness in the NWA brand of pro wrestling and drive attendance at our upcoming events at the Sioux Falls Arena.  This is the model we have been working hard to achieve and look forward to bringing it to even more markets throughout the world in 2009.” 

“NWA Wrestling Showcase” can be seen nationally Fridays on Dish Network Ch. 9407. For more information on the National Wrestling Alliance please visit www.nwawrestling.com.



NWA Main Event TV – Episode 43 by Larry Goodman
Airing January 24, 2009 in Nashville on ION affiliate WNPX 28

Jason James and NWA Main Event promoter Mike Porter on commentary.

(1) Disturbing Behavior (Jeff Daniels & Tim Renesto with Dominque) beat Jerry Lawler & David Flair to retain the NWA World Tag Team Titles in roughly 15 minutes.
From the 2002 NWA Main Event Mule Days show in Spring Hill, Tennessee. Crowd not looking overly enthused here. The storyline was Lawler teaming with David to go after the NWA tag titles that Ric never had a piece of. For the first half of the match, the champs were the cowering, bungling heels being outfoxed by Lawler at every turn. Daniels steered clear of Lawler. The momentum did a 180 when Daniels stuck the sneaky knee into Flair’s back. Lawler was getting all riled up, as Disturbing Behavior engaged in a lively game of hide the chain. At one point, there was a spot where Flair never got within a foot of Daniels’ boot and sold it anyway. Lawler took the hot tag, then took the chain away from Renesto and started pounding on him. Referee saw it for the DQ – a nothing finish made worse by the camera missing most of it. Being a big time pro wrestler was not in the cards for David. All the wrestling genes went to Reid. He was more a victim of the circumstances of his father’s fame.

Over the course of the hour, there were repeated plugs for the Portland show that night featuring Lawler, including a complete rundown of the card. A graphic with Lawler’s mug kept popping up at the bottom of the screen. They also pushed the February 7 television taping at their new venue in Nashville – The Community Life Center on Veritas Street.

A Jeff Daniels video package was next. Some great footage of promos and in-ring action, including footage from the Inferno Bar era.

(2) Jerry Lawler beat Sid Vicious (with “Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart) in around 12 minutes. From the Lawler 35 Tribute show on November 7, 2008 at the Tennessee State Fairgrounds Sports Arena. Having a big crowd (over 600) that was into Lawler helped this match a ton. Kevin Lawler was the referee. Sid still has a good bit of muscle mass at 48 years old. This was the heaviest I’ve ever seen Lawler in the ring. This was the same match Lawler has done a bazillion times in Memphis when facing a heel monster. Lawler took several big body slams from Sid and sold like his back was killing him. For most of the match Lawler could do nada. Hart taunted him. Porter mentioned that Hart was the spokesperson for one of the show’s sponsors, “Free At Last” Bail Bonding. He urged the viewers to support their business with the sage words – “Bad things happen to good people.” Lawler made the inevitable strap-down comeback, jack hammering Sid with punches. The big spot was Lawler slamming Sid. Lawler won it with a roll up.

Closing with a replay of the Daniels video package.

Random Thoughts: One thing is certain. They could not have pushed the Portland show any harder on TV over the last month. For the go-home episode, it was the right move to focus solely on Lawler vs. Daniels. They never announced the full card until this episode (day of the show), but it’s not like any of the other matches were going to sell any tickets…The tag bout from Mule Days was nothing special in itself. The finish was totally unsatisfying, but it did make a great set up for Lawler to get revenge on Daniels in Portland… Being a big time pro wrestler was not in the cards for David. All the wrestling genes went to Reid. He was more a victim of the circumstances of his father’s fame…It was fun getting a glimpse of Disturbing Behavior in the midst of their NWA title run. Shortly after the Mule Days match, they lost the titles to New Heavenly Bodies in Winter Haven, Florida…The Lawler/Sid was interesting, more for the atmosphere at the Fairgrounds than the match itself…The next episode features footage from Portland.

NWA Main Event will present St. Valentine’s Day Massacre Show this Saturday February 14, 2009 at the Community Life Center 413 Veritas St. Nashville, 37211 just off Nolensville Rd. just south of Thompson Lane. Belltime 8 PM. Already signed: Jeff Daniels, Steve O,Mitch Ryder, Chris Cain, Larry Cooter, White Tiger, “Playboy” Scott Hayes, Matt Boyce, Teddy Tender, Shane Williams,Shawn Streets, Lani Kealoha and many more! All students will be admitted FREE compliments of Free at Last Bonding Co. and Auto Masters. TV cameras will be rollling. Make plans and don’t miss this show. The very best in Southern Style Professional Wrestling! BE THERE!!!!


NWA Pro/ Mach 1 Pro Wrestling
January 31, 2009
Santa Ana HS
Santa Ana, CA

Qualifying matches for the M1W Championship Battle Royal

The Human Tornado d. Hurrican Marquez and Devon Willis
Under Pressure d. James O’Grady
Tommy Wilson d. Drew Hellman
Charles Mercury d. Johnny Goodtime
Scott Lost d. Ryan Taylor
TJ Perkins d. Red Tornado
Aaron Aguilera d. Joey Ryan

Non-Qualifying matches
Jeremy Jaeger and Roger Ruiz d. Chris Kadillak and Chris Botherway

Candace La Rae d. Carla Jade

For more information on Mach 1 Pro Wrestling, go to:


NWA Pro/ Mach 1 Pro Wrestling
February 21, 2009
Santa Ana, HS
Santa Ana, CA

M1W returns to action February 21st.

M1W Championship Battle Royal for the M1W Championship:

Human Tornado, Under Pressure, Tommy Wilson, Charles Mercury, Scott Lost, TJ Perkins, Aaron Aguilera, and more to be added!

Candace La Rae v. Yyan Nakano

And much more!!!

For more information on M1W, go to:

For more information on NWA Pro, go to:


NWA Pro/ Pro Wrestling Revolution
January 17, 2009
John O’Connell HS
San Francisco, CA

We are sure there is so many ways to describe how we feel about our first show in 2009, and they all escape us besides… Thank you! It was a night we were all looking forward to and it delivered on many levels. The amount of media involved at the show was breathtaking. From television with Azteca America San Francisco, to radio with 93.3 La Raza, to newspaper El Mensajero, to national public radio, and local paper from the Mission.

“Strongman” Jon Anderson defeats the “Polyester Express” Matt Carlos & Dave Dutra

“Cool Imagery” Hector Canales & Ricky Mandel defeated “Rock of Love” Billy Blade & Kayden Anthony

Fourway Elimination – Rik Luxury eliminated Shinobi and Sidarial but was then defeated via pinfall by Tito Aquino

Michael Modest defeated Mr. Primetime

Ulysses defeated “Border Patrol” Derek Sanders

Chickfight Match – Raisha Saeed defeated Rain

PWR Heavyweight Title Match
“Border Patrol” Oliver John defeated Mr. Wrestling 4

PWR Tag Team Titles Match-
“Los Misterios” Hijo de Rey Misterio & Rey Misterio Sr. defeated Septiembre Negro Jr & El Espectro Jr.

For more information on PWR, go to:

For more information on NWA Pro, go to:


NWA Pro/ Pro Wrestling Revolutiion
February 21, 2009 Upcoming Show
Salinas Valley Fairgrounds
King City, CA

Pro Wrestling Revolution is very excited to announce the confirmation of the arrival of one of Mexico’s biggest legends, Blue Demon Jr. His legendary status does not stop there, he is currently the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, the first masked wrestler to have ever held that title.

With that all that being said, he makes his arrival felt for our debut show in King City at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds on February 21st. Confirmed to appear are all your Pro Wrestling Revolution superstars, Heavyweight Champion Oliver John, Hijo dey Rey Misterio, Mr. Wrestling IV, “Strongman” Jon Andersen and making his Pro Wrestling Revolution debut, from Guadalajara Mexico, he is Rayman!

This show is brought to you by La Preciosa 100.7 & 100.9 in Salinas and we look forward to having them onboard. King City has never had a show of this magnitude, we hope you are ready!

Blue Demon Jr. vs. Border Patrol – Oliver John

Rayman & Tito Aquino & Vaquero Fantasma vs.
Hijo de Rey Misterio & Ulysses & El Amanté

Christie Ricci vs. “TNA Knockout” Raisha Saeed

“Border Patrol” – Derek Sanders & Zach Reeb
‘Lucha VaVoom’s” Las Calaveras

Rik Luxury vs. Mr. Wrestling IV

You can get your tickets here or get your tickets at all Discotecas Exitos Latinos in Salinas and Watsonville along with El Pueblo Market in King City.

For more information on PWR, go to:

For more information on NWA Pro, go to:


NWA/ECCW 2-7-09 show in Vancouver, BC in front of 275 fans:

Toni Baroni beat Scott Steele in an unadvertised Dark Match.

On The Runway was next, with the Church. The newest member of the Church was baptized, Artemis Spencer!

In a 2009 PACIFIC CUP TOURNAMENT QUALIFYING MATCH, Kyle O’Reilly over Mike Dempsey. Afterwards Kyle officially made a rematch request for him and El Phantasmo.

Cole Bishop, The Divine Prophet, Freddy Funk and Abbadon beat Scotty Mac, Cremator, Ice and Tony Tisoy in an Elimination Tag Match. Bishop and Prophet were the survivors. After the match, Bishop deemed himself the #1 contender to Memphis title, wants a title match next month.

With Special Ref being Nicole Matthews, Sid Sylum beat Kenny Lush by holding the trunks in a rollup.

Veronika Vice beat Nicole Matthews to become a Two Time Supergirls Champion when Sid Sylum turned on Nicole Matthews and embraced Veronika.

In a 2009 PACIFIC CUP TOURNAMENT QUALIFYING MATCH, Azeem The Dream beat MR2 when Natural got involved.

In a MOTY candidate, Artemis Spencer beat “Brilliant” Billy Suede to become the NEW NWA CANADIAN JUNIOR HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP.


Friday, February 27th – Surrey, BC
Saturday, March 7th – Vancouver, BC



NWA Upstate
WrestleBowl 2009 Results
January 31, 2009
German House
Rochester, NY


The Dewey Tonk Man defeated Rob Just Too Sweet

Super Assassin won a 9 man scramble match

Main Show:

Cheech defeated Marcos

Sam C4 Militom (sp?) defeated Coconut Jones

Colin Delaney defeated Stevie Richards via disqualification

Triple X, Hellcat & Johnny Kayfabe defeated The McCloud Brothers & Brett the Geihl

Gabreal Saint defeated Loca Vida to retain the NWA Upstate No Limits Title

Isys Ephex defeated Cloudy

Faith in Nothing w/Star Rider defeated Spazz & Maximo Suave and the wonder Twins (Zach Atticus & Marc Kreiger)

Danny Doring defeated Pepper Parks

For more information on NWA Upstate, go to:


NWA Impact Zone Wrestling
January 30, 2009
Fulton Elementary School Fundraiser Show
Chandler, AZ

John Hogan beat Black Dragon.

Johnny Mason beat Ryan Lynch.

Lawrence Tyler beat Jay Garland.

Fearless Jack Bull beat Tommy Drake.

Lucha Reigns & Mike G beat Payed Daly & Jacob “the Riot” Herzberg.

Main Event: Erica D’Erico & Beth Sassi wrestled to a draw.

For more information on NWA IZW, go to:


NWA Dynamo Pro Results
Ottawa Middle School
Ottawa, Ks.

Davey Vega defeated Pierre Abernathy w/Sadie Blaze
Aaron Hawely defeated Brandon Aarons
Adam Rich and Trent Stone defeated Domino Rivera and Angel
Kraig Keesman defeated Mike Sydal
Billy McNeil defeated Shorty Biggs
Mark Sterling and Darrien Sanders defeated Steven Kennedy and KC Karrington
Brett Young Defeated Tyler Cook to retain NWA Kansas Title
Al Snow defeated Jeremy Wyatt


NWA Indiana returns to the Lafayette Theater in downtown

Lafayette @ 600 Main St on Sunday February 8th.

Doors Open @ 5:00
Bell Time @ 6:00

Advance tickets are available at Just Smokes @ 16 N Earl Ave for $6 or $8 at the door the night of the event.

Here are the matches you will see:

Rob Ramer vs Cearious Jester

Billy Bart vs Justin Andrews

Johnny Motley vs Christopher Kent

Flash Flannigan vs Lash Gibson

NWA Indiana Title
Shawn Cook (c) vs Hayden Kent

NWA Indiana Heritage Tag Team Title
Devon Fury & Kenny Courageous vs Guy Lombardo & Marc Houston (c). This match will be a no DQ and the belts will be on a pole.

***Card subject to change***

All matches are sanctioned by the National Wrestling Alliance

Stay tuned to www.thenwaindiana.com for upcoming information on when Jerry “The King” Lawler will be debuting for NWA Indiana!


NWA Liberty States Wrestling
February 6, 2009
Fairfield Community Center
Fairfield, ME

Golden Boy Bobby Robinson beat Makua with a superkick in 12 minutes in a decent match to hype the crowd for the show.

Jason Rumble and Cameron Mathews went to a 15 minute Time Limit Draw in a really good match that ended with an awesome pinfall attempts. After the Match Rumble challenged Cameron to a falls count anywhere match at the next show. Which probably won’t be until April or May because apparently there’s no show in Fairfield. next month

Brian Logan and Chico went to a no contest with both partners came out and they brawled and the Logans quickly won a tag match and then everyone brawled around ringside and LHS challenged The Logans for a match on the next show.

Giant Pharoh beat Rugged Rick Daniels and Jivin Jimmy Capone in a Handicap Match when Pharoh pinned Daniels with a falling slam

Apolo beat JT Hoodlum with a TKO in about 6 minutes.

Sonny Roselli and Miss Taylor defeated Cousin Larry and Adrianna when Taylor Pinned Adrianna with a Cross Body Sonny and Larry did nothing during this match,

For more information on NWA LSW, go to:


NWA Empire
February 7, 2009
Quick Results from February Fallout 2009:
St. Johnsburg Fire Hall
North Tonawanda, New York

Attendance: 225-230

The Dewrock vs Rob “Just Too” Sweet ended in a no contest when CloudLee attacked both wrestlers and demanded that their match against Pepper Parks and Cheech begin right now…

CloudLee defeated Pepper Parks and Cheech

Ben Golden, Primo Scardino, and Kyle McCloud defeated The Young and The Wrestlers

Mean Marcos (with Nikki Jett) defeated Stargazer (with “Superbad” Richard Venice)

Ron Falco defeated Ice

Zach Atticus defeated “Whitey” Chris White and Gabe Saint to become the new NWA Empire Lord Of The Dance Champion

Troy “The Boy” Buchanon and Blackjack Phoenix defeated Maximo Suave and Coconut Jones

Mike Magee defeated “Glamourous” Glenn Dillon

Colin Delany defeated Cody Deaner to retain the NWA Empire Heavyweight Championship

For more information on NWA Empire, go to:


NWA Mountain State Wrestling
December 6, 2008
Alderson, WV

December 14th NWA MSW TV Show
Alderson Wv.

1.) JC Dykes Jr. d. Shawn Cruz

2.) Johnny Vlast d. Diablo Jr.

3.) Bruiser Graham d. Karl

4.) NWA MSW TV Title Match
TR Superstar d. Billy Lit (TR Superstar wins TV Title)

December 21st NWA MSW TV Show
Alderson Wv.

1.) Prowler II d. Johnny Blast

2.) Prowler I d Diablo Jr.

3.) TR Superstar d (by DQ) Jason Kincaid

4.) Shawn Cruz d. (by DQ) Billy Lit

For more information on NWA MSW, go to:

NWA Mountain State Wrestling
December 13, 2008
Summers Memorial County Building
Hinton WV.

1.) Scotty Rocker d. Diablo Jr.

2.) Prowlers d. JC Dykes Jr. & Eli Rose

3.) TR Superstar d. Richie Acevedo

4.) NWA MSW Tag Team Title Match
Bunkhouse Boys d. Billy Lit & Dwayne Tenney

5.) Jason Kincaid vs Kris King ( time limit draw)

6.) Maestro d. Johnny Blast (Tr Superstar jumped Maestro after the match and was ran off by the Bunkhouseboys, to everyones surprise the Bunkhouseboys than turned on Maestro and joined TR to take out Maestro and collect the bounty from Jason Kincaid)

For more information on NWA MSW, go to:

NWA Mountain State Wrestling
December 27, 2008
Mt. Hope Community Center
Mt. Hope, WV.

1.) Dwayne Tenney d. Prowler I

2.) Karl vs Diablo Jr. (no contest)

3.) Billy Lit d. Buddy Love

4.) Kris King d. Johnny Blast

5.) Maestro d. Jason Kincaid (Maestro to get title shot)

6.) NWA MSW Tag Team Title Match
Richie Acevedo & Scott Raines d. (by DQ) Bunkhouse Boys

For more information on NWA MSW, go to:

NWA Mountain State Wrestling
TV Taping Results
January 3, 2009
Summers County Memorial Building
Hinton, WV

Show broadcast on January 11, 2009
1.) JC Dykes Jr. & Karl d Prowlers

2.) Richie Acevedo d Scotty Rocker

3.) Drake Tungsten d Billy Lit by DQ

4.) NWA MSW TV Title
Dwayne Tenney d TR Superstar by DQ after the Bunkhouse Boys jumped Dwayne Tenney

For more information on NWA Mountain State Wrestling, go to:


NWA Underground
January 31, 2009
Headlock on Hunger II
Elkhart County Fairgrounds
Goshen, IN


1.Andrew Phelps b. “All Night” Adam Reynolds

2.Johnny Lawless b. Great Makau

3.Tyson Judge b.Russ Jones

4.Mayhem Elimination Match:Contestants – Carl Morris, Dark Lion, Gregory the Gorilla, Adam Bueller,”Warfare” Jeremy Hadley, Jake Omen, and “Old Timer” Jeff King. Jake Omen would go on to win the vacant NWA Underground Mayhem Championship.

5.Jack Verville b. Gameboy

6.Ian Rotten b. Dork(The fake Doink)

2ND Half of show results:

Mickey Knuckles b. Camron Starr to become the first NWA Underground Women’s Champion.

El Blue Inferno b. Travis Vandetta. After the match El Blue tried to take out Vandetta, but Hardcore Harry intervened to set up a weapons match for the April 11th show back in Goshen, Indiana.

Four way Tag for the NWA Underground Championship belts:
Scotty Young/Ryan Rage b. the teams of Showtime/Zane Ramzey, Ryan Epic/Brian Skyline, and Kenny Kage/Seth Magavin. The teams that were defeated want there shot back at the title. How management handles this volatile situation is yet to be determined.

Hype b. Ian Rotten as Ian was disqualified by a hitting the ref with a chair shot. Ian has challenged Hype for a rematch. This will occur at the show in April in Goshen as well.

For more information on NWA Underground, go to:


Austin, TX’s TCW Joins NWA-SW Territory

Commissioner Ken Taylor has announced another NWA Southwest affiliate member who will serve the Austin region of Texas effective February 2. The new company is Total Championship Wrestling (TCW), and they’ll run several shows monthly bringing the NWA brand back to the Capitol City for the first time in 23 years.

The promoter of NWA-SW/TCW is Mr. B, and he says he looks forward to hosting NWA title matches in basically the center of Texas. He said NWA-SW/TCW will give Texas, the best talent from the Austin area, and the promotion will bring in well known talents from around the world.

“On behalf of everyone in TCW management and our workers, we’re happy to be a part of the NWA Southwest family,” said Mr. B. “ We wanted to an affiliate member to bring NWA here, but I do want to send a warning out to all the other NWA Southwest companies that we fully intend to “capitolize” bringing all the Gold to Austin.”

Taylor added that NWA-SW/TCW will very effectively serve the Austin area. “This central location fits in very well for our champions to make a lot of appearances,” he said. “They have an impressive talent base already in place starting with two-time former NWA Texas Heavyweight champion Steve DeMarco, Gabe The Babe, Manny Domingo, Jason Strong, Madcow, Ryan Johnston, Jose Valiente, Mr. B, and many others.”

The first show under the NWA banner will be this Friday, February 6, at Arena Nacional located at 1500 South Pleasant Valley Road. The hotline number is 512-358-1391. Bell-time 7:30 p.m. and doors open at 6:30. Tickets this Friday only $5.00.
Visit NWA-SW/TCW’s Myspace site at: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=430148828.

For more information on NWA Southwest, go to:

NWA Southwest/ PWF
January 31, 2009
PWF Wrestleplex
Amarillo, TX

First match: Joey “The Mastiff” Armstrong vs. Mark Wilson
Winner: Mark Wilson

Second match: Bones vs. Biohaxxxard
Winner: Bones

Third match: “Showcase” Shance Williams vs. Maximus McGuirk
Winner: Shance “Cheater Jerk” Williams

Fourth match: Battle Royal with the winner having the first shot at challenging “The Natural” Shawn Mills for the NWA-SW/PWF Texas Panhandle Championship
Participants: “Sexy” Shawn Sanders, “Southern Pitbull” Rufus Lee Wilkins, Joey “The Mastiff” Armstrong, “Showcase” Shance Williams, Mark Wilson, “.50 Caliber Sex Pistol” Cody Jones, Bones, Biohaxxxard, Maximus McGuirk,
Winner: Shawn Sanders

Semi-main event: “The Hooligan” Austin Riley vs. Ky-ote
Winner: Ky-ote

Main event: Canadian Sex Pistols – Shawn Mills and Cody Jones vs. High Society – Thomas Trump and Al Farat
Winners: High Society

For more information on PWF, go to:

For more information on NWA Southwest, go to:

NWA-SW Rankings – February 9, 2009


1.Kevin Northcutt
2.Brent Albright
3.Spoiler 2000
4.Hotstuff Hernandez
5.Lance Cade


1.Cody Jones
4.Mysterious Q
5.Austin Riley


1.Team Texas
2.Texas Treats
3.Canadian Sex Pistols
4.Double Trouble
5.Team XL

NWA-SW Anniversary Ring Announcer to release Card Tuesday night on Radio!
The matches for NWA Southwest’s 11th Anniversary Show set for March 21st, will be revealed to press and fans for the first time Tuesday night, February 10, at 7 pm CST by Anniversary Show ring announcer Jim Dickson.  The Show will take place on Texas’ Oldest Indian Reservation dating back to 1850 – Alabama-Coushatta Indian Tribe in Livingston, Texas.

Jim will give the matchups and resumes along with his own insights to all the matches, and what fans can expect. Go to: http://www. shootingstarradio. com


NWA UK/ NWA Scotland (SWA)
January 25th 2009
Sports Cafe

Opening the year for SWA on a brutal note, After Hours returned to the sports Cafe to give wrestling fans of Glasgow something to wet their apetite before the venue’s annual Rumble party later that night.

Adam Shame defeated Lionheart to win the NWA Scottish Heavyweight Championship in a last man standing match
After emotional speeches from both men, declaring just how much the title meant to them the two got into the ring and the fun began.

Shame never forgot about his previous title runs, both of which ended with having to vacate the title instead of losing clean to a challenger making him more determined than ever to get the title back around his waist. With Charles Boddington at his side cheering him on, despite abuse from the rowdy crowd, the challenger beat the living hell out of Lionheart, but the champion age just as good as he got.

By the end of the match both men were down ant out, slowly trying to climb back to their feet after the match had taken a huge toll on their bodies, but not their spirit. With the referee trying to keep an eye on both men, Boddington had him scouted and made sure Lionheart never got to his feet and when Adam Shame did the crowd errupted with fury and anger.

When Shame walked off with the title in a private celebration with Boddington, Lionheart grabbed the mic and vowed no matter what it took, he’d get his belt back soon.

Further Results:
– Wolfgang defeated SWA Laird of the Ring Champion in a non-title match.
– The Love Muscle defeated Falcon
– Kid Fite defeated Peter Murphy in a Dog Collar match when Murphy accepted an open challene after Fite attacked Nikki Storm.

For more information on NWA Scotland (SWA), go to:


NJPW, 2/7/09 (Samurai! TV)

Tochigi Bunka Center Sub Hall

800 Fans – No Vacancy


1. Karl Anderson beat Nobuo Yoshihashi (6:04) with the Gun Stun.

2. Takashi Iizuka beat Kazuchika Okada (8:27) by referee stop.

3. Ryusuke Taguchi & Prince Devitt beat Milano Collection AT & Taichi Ishikari (11:11) when Taguchi used a la magistral on Ishikari.

4. Giant Bernard, Jado & Gedo beat Manabu Nakanishi, Yujiro & Tetsuya Naito (14:52) when Bernard used the Bernard bomb on Naito.

5. Togi Makabe, Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii beat Masahiro Chono, Wataru Inoue & Mitsuhide Hirasawa (14:06) when Makabe used a top rope King Kong kneedrop on Hirasawa.

6. Hiroshi Tanahashi, Yuji Nagata, Tiger Mask & Koji Kanemoto beat Shinsuke Nakamura, Hirooki Goto, Jushin Thunder Liger & AKIRA (16:05) when Tanahashi used the High Fly Flow on AKIRA.


NJPW, 2/8/09 (SXW)
Zepp Sendai
695 Fans
– Super No Vacancy Full House

1. Tomoaki Honma beat Kazuchika Okada (10:06) with a diving headbutt.
2. Takashi Iizuka, Jado & Gedo beat Milano Collection AT, Taichi Ishikari & Mitsuhide Hirasawa (13:54) by referee stop (Iizuka beat Hirasawa).
3. Manabu Nakanishi, Wataru Inoue & Koji Kanemoto beat Togi Makabe, Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii (15:45) when Ishii was DQ’d.
4. Yuji Nagata, Yujiro & Tetsuya Naito beat Hirooki Goto, Ryusuke Taguchi & Prince Devitt (14:33) when Nagata used a backdrop hold on Devitt.
5. Masahiro Chono & AKIRA beat Giant Bernard & Karl Anderson (10:31) when Chono used a Shining Yakuza kick on Anderson.
6. Hiroshi Tanahashi & Tiger Mask beat Shinsuke Nakamura & Jushin Thunder Liger (15:53) when Tiger used a cradle on Liger.

Upcoming Event

NJPW, 2/15/09 (WPW)
Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan

0. Special Tag Match: Mitsuhide Hirasawa & Nobuo Yoshihashi vs. OKUMURA & Kazuchika Okada
1. IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Title #1 Contender 4WAY Tag: Yujiro & Tetsuya Naito vs. Ryusuke Taguchi & Prince Devitt vs. Jado & Gedo vs. Milano Collection AT & Taichi Ishikari
2. Riki Choshu, Manabu Nakanishi, Wataru Inoue & Koji Kanemoto vs. Takashi Iizuka, Tomohiro Ishii, Karl Anderson & Tomoaki Honma
3. Special Tag Match – NJPW vs. TNA Augmented Reality: Masahiro Chono & AKIRA vs. James Storm & Robert Roode
4. IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title: Tiger Mask (c) vs. Jushin Thunder Liger
5. Special Singles Match – Burn the Debt: Yuji Nagata vs. Hirooki Goto
6. CMLL World Welterweight Title – Lucha Libre Globalization: Mistico (c) vs. Mephisto
7. Special Singles Match – Wrestle-incident DIE OR BREED: Giant Bernard vs. Kurt Angle
8. IWGP Tag Team Title – Hardcore Rules: “Team 3D” Brother Ray & Brother Devon (c) vs. Togi Makabe & Toru Yano
9. IWGP Heavyweight Title: Hiroshi Tanahashi (c) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura