TNA PPV Spoiler Revealed At A House Show, RVD, Ric Flair

Josh Floan sent along the following to I was at the TNA house show in Rochester, MN last night.  ODB and J.B are both MN natives, so they got huge pops.  Just before the Jeff Jarrett v. Kurt Angle main event, J.B. had announced that there was a 90% chance that TNA will be holding a PPV in Minnesota in 2009.  He never said which PPV,  just that it was almost a done deal.

Eric Berard sent along the following to I was at the Boston Bruins game and when the players came out on to the ice at the beginning of the game, they played Rob Van Dam’s theme song "One of a Kind". Also when the Bruins scored a goal they played a Ric Flair "WHOOOOOO".

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