Exclusive Detailed WWE House Show Results From Dublin, Ireland

JD sent along the following to WrestleZone.com:

WWE Raw House Show Detailed Results
Dublin, April 15th, 2009

It was a great show with many intersting parts, i know the following is a lot to read but i hope you do read it as some parts were interesting. Including crowd attacks, boo’s for Cena & the amazing Kelly Kelly.

I was in attendance for the WWE Raw show in Dublin, Ireland last night. This is the first time WWE has performed in the newly built o2 Arena, they did perform in the building before its reconstruction. The arena previously held around 3,000 people. For the show last night it held around 9,000 people while for concerts it can hold up to 14,000.

Before the show in the arena there were lots of woooooooooooo!! chants going around. There was a great atmosphere all night. The show was completly sold out.
Anyway, the show got under way with Tony Chimel coming to the ring, he got the first match underway.

Match 1 – Kofi Kingston vs The Miz – They worked well & the match was really just to get the sell out crowd going. It worked too, Kofi is a great performer & both superstars got great reactions from the crowd.
Winner – Kofi Kingston

Match 2 – Kelly Kelly & Melina vs Layla & Beth Phoenix (w/ Rosa Mendes) – Seeing Kelly in person was the best part of the night. She looks even better in person. When her music hit, the crowd went nuts!
I was impressed with how good this match was, Rosa Mendes got sent to the back after interfiring. Good match, the other 3 divas in the match looked great as well.

Match 3 – Santino vs ?? – Santino comes to the ring to a huge roar from the crowd, he is very much liked in Dublin. He got a great ovation. He got on the mic & talked about Santina before issuing a challenge to anyone in the back. That challenge was accepted by Goldust. Most of the kids there had no idea who he was, he did get a good ovation from the older fans. The match went on for about 5 minutes with Santino mostly running from Goldust. Goldust won with a suplex, sort of like Goldberg’s jackhammer.
Winner – Goldust … Santino on the mic again says that he was not ready & wants a challenge from anyone else except from "that freak Goldust". Stone Cold’s music hits & everyone goes mad! I think my heart stopped for a second, only a second as I realise that there was not a chance he would be there. It was Charlie Haas. The crowd seemed dissapointed & poor Charlie did not get much cheer. Santino then looked surprised & said "Your not Stone Steve Cold Austin" (thats the way he said it) Stunner from "Hasstin" & match is over. Santino gets a big applause as he leaves.

Match 4 – William Regal vs CM Punk – Regal was heavily booed as he came out, this was because he is from England & there is not much love between the English & the Irish. He did’nt make it any better when he forced Tony Chimel to announce that he was representing Blackpool, England. Regal was hated so much that he got a bear thrown on him as he entered. The guy that did it got thrown out. CM Punk came out to a big road.I read about how Regal is really aggresive in the ring & hits realy punches, well after last night I can confirm that this is true, he really doesn’t do the "hollywood style" punches that look real but are fake, Regal actually hits his opponents, the noise of his hits echoed around the arena. He won with a roll up.
Winner – CM Punk… after the match Regal beats up Punk, as he leaves he gets thrown back in the ring by Kofi Kingston, Regal gets the GTS. After that Regal says that he will request a match off Vickie Guerrero to face Kofi Kingston the next night. (Im guessing not many people would be going to the two shows)

Tony Chimel tells us there is 10 minute break, I got myself a Santino shirt. 30 Euro, not bad considering it was 20 Euro for a programme. It think i will get more use out of the T-Shirt.

We come back to Tag Title Match
Match 5 – Mike Knox & Kane vs Primo & Carlito – Knox needs a shave, I would not care how much I was being paid, it looks terrible. Primo’s moustache is just as bad but anyway on with the match. Kane is really big, I have seeing both him & Undertaker Live a few times & they are really tall, I have never seen Khali Live but I would like to considering he is meant to be taller then both the "brothers". Primo & Carlito get the win by DQ after Kane went over the 5 count while hitting Carlito in the corner. Poor ending, the biggest cheer of the match went to Kane as he really was over with the crowd.

Intercontinental Championship Match
Match 6 – Chris Jericho vs Rey Mysterio – Jericho came out to a great reception from the crowd. He got on the mic & did his usual ranting before saying that he was surrounded by children wearing masks & that he was going to show us what happens to people who hide behind masks. Rey Mysterio comes out to one of the biggest roars of the night (mostly young children). This was the best match of the night, it had the most wrestling. On an interesting note, at one point Jericho jumped into the crowd, security looked surprised at what he was doing & they quickly jumped the rail to surround him. It looked like Jericho has some sort of altercation with a fan. Security quickly came in to take away a man who was shouting abuse at Jericho. Im not sure if that fan was the reason for Jericho jumping in the crowd but it seemed to take security by suprise. Mysterio just looked on from the ring. When it was over Jericho got back in the ring & continued with the match. Mysterio won with the 619!
Winner – Mysterio.. Rey quickly left the ring without much celebration which was disappointing considering the thousands of young kids with Mysterio masks. Although he did do his usual thing with the kids at his entrance. Jericho got another big applause as he left.

World Heavyweight Title Match
Match 7 – Edge vs John Cena – Edge got a great ovation as he entered, Cena then came out to an even bigger cheer. Nothing much to say about the match. There was one great bit where Edge reversed the F-U (or whatever its called now) into a DDT. Cena won with the STF.
Winner John Cena

Final Notes:
-This is my first Live WWE show in about 4-5 years. I have noticed that there were a lot more kids at the show last night then I can ever remember. When I went to the shows when they were in Dublin & Belfast there were Bra & Pantie matches. Now there are just lots of kids with John Cena shirts & Mysterio masks. Oh how times have changed….
– I was disappointed that Randy Orton was not there, maybe he is working the Thursday night show im not sure.
– When Regal was leaving after his match, there were chants of Ole,Ole,Ole this is a famous Irish football (soccer) chant. Not sure he knew what it meant but as it was going on Tony Chimel was moving from side to side in tune of the crowds song. Funny moment.
-The two incidents involving Regal & Jericho with the crowd was interesting. Jericho seems to be having trouble with WWE fans recently no matter where he is in the world.
-Tony Chimel announced that WWE would be back in Dublin at the end of the year for two different tours, one is called the DX Tour (does this mean DX are re-uniting again?) & the Undertakers Revenge tour. Both at the end of 2009. WWE has already released tickets for the Survivor Series tour in November. That is a lot of visits to Dublin in one year. Tickets fot the DX & Undertaker tour are on sale from April 24th 2009 from Ticketmaster.
-During the main event, the kids were chanting Lets Go Cena while it seemed the adults were chanting Lets Go Edge. Another amusing part of the night showing Cena’a fan base.
-The lead singer of AC/DC was in attendance, the rock band have a concert in the o2 Arena this weekend.
-This was the same venue that UFC 93 took place back in Janurary.

Biggest Cheers (in no order) –
-John Cena
-Rey Mysterio
-Kelly Kelly

Biggest heat:
-William Regal
-Mike Knox
-The Miz

High Points:
-Seeing Kelly Kelly
-Santino’s comedy
-Getting to experience WWE Live once again in the fantastic new arena.

Low Points:
-No Orton
-Lots of kids, i don’t mind kids being there but its just sad how WWE has gone from being an adult theme show to seeing people like The Rock on Nickelodeon awards shows.
-John Cena is way overrated.

All round a good show, I enjoyed it. The recent draft picks did not come into effect during this tour. I hope to get tickets for the DX tour at the end of the year

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