Macho Man Randy Savage

Macho Man DVD Trailer, MVP/The View, TNA Knockout Furious

For those of you wanting catch MVP on “The View,” he will appear on the show tomorrow morning as a guest.

Recently signed TNA Knockout Jenna Morasco is apparently furious over reports that she has heat with many backstage in the company due to her celebrity status, and she has posted the following in response to a specific report which surfaced on another website:

Sorry for the harsh headline but anyone who knows me knows I am VERY sarcastic and I read an article today that annoyed me.

Here is the part that annoyed me:

“- As of late, a number of questions have been raised regarding the recent acquisition of Jenna Morasca. Many in the company are wondering why she was signed in the first place, especially to such a large contract. While she’s somewhat of a television star due to her victory on Survivor: The Amazon a few years ago, it was already established with Jonny Fairplay that being seen by millions of people on Survivor means almost nothing to the wrestling audience.
Since her debut in the promotion last month, Morasca has been appearing in backstage segments, developing a relationship with Kevin Nash. On last week’s show, she became his valet and was involved in a verbal spat with fellow Knockout Sharmell

Now you would think the odvious would annoy me in this paragraph which would be the part where this person disses me being signed thinking it was because I was on TV.  Yes it does annoy some but we have been around this tree a MILLION times so that does not bother me at this point.  I am not the first person to ever enter the world of professional wrestling without any live professional wrestling experience.  These people are making it seem like I am the first girl EVER to have no wrestling experience and be on the show.

BUT the part that does annoy me is the part where the writer says “many in the company are wondering why she was signed”.  OK where are your balls I ask to this writer.  If you are going to go out your way to diss me and imply that other people AT the company are not happy with me being there fucking name names!!!  Tell me exactly who in my company is stating this to you and I would like to discuss this with them personally. I am sure after our talk they would feel different.  So far I have showed up to work on time, did my job and have been nothing but polite to everyone because I respect my co workers so much.  But to hear this is kind of annoying because either the writer is lying and using people at the “Company” to cover up their own feelings or its true and people at TNA have been bad mouthing me and if so I would like to know so I can hopefully change their opinion.

SO I challenge this writer to grow some balls and fess up on who has been doing the “mouthing” about me…

thoughts? bring it

You can check out Jenna’s entire blog by visiting