WWE Explains Why Jericho Topped Twitter Trends Chart

Chris JerichoThe following is from WWE.com:

Web a-Twitter about Chris Jericho
Written: August 4, 2009

As mentioned on Monday Night Raw, during the past weekend, Unified Tag Team Champion Chris Jericho had the popular micro-blogging site Twitter buzzing with comparisons between himself and a famous martial artist.

Fans of Chris Jericho flooded the site with "Chuck Norris"-style humor, replacing the "Walker: Texas Ranger" star in numerous jokes with Jericho’s name. For example…


  • "The Big Bang is actually the sound of Chris Jericho cracking his knuckles."
  • "Chris Jericho made Chuck Norris tap."
  • "When Chris Jericho speaks, everyone worldwide understands him in their own tongue."
  • "Chris Jericho doesnt wrestle on the mat, the mat wrestles Chris Jericho."

    The jokes were so popular, it pushed Jericho’s name to the top of the Twitter trends chart on Saturday.