Fantasy Matchup: Booking Chris Jericho vs A.J. Styles

Who hasn’t played this game before?

Take two guys from rival promotions (although WWE would disagree that TNA is a rival) and create what would happen if these two guys actually met in the ring.  Consider their strengths and weaknesses in a variety of areas and determine, in your opinion, who you would put over if the match ever became a reality. 

You can also look at who you think is simply better. 

I’m going to present these articles as kind of a hybrid mix between the two directions.  I will pair off the individuals I feel can compliment each other the best in the ring, on the mic, etc.  These will also be personal choices on the matchups I’d most like to see between WWE and TNA talent.

THIS WEEK: Chris Jericho (WWE) versus A.J. Styles (TNA)

Scroll through the following pages for my reasons why>>>