WWE RAW Results – September 7, 2009

Detailed WWE RAW results from September 7, 2009!

WWE RAW Results - September 7, 2009WWE RAW Results — PAGE ONE
September 7, 2009
Chicago, Illinois
Report By: Matt Boone for WrestleZone.com

RAW Opener: Bob Barker, Chris Jericho & More

We open to a live shot of the crowd and Howard Finkel welcoming us to "Price Is RAW" with our host Bob Barker. Barker is shown at the top of the ramp with a podium and his old-school tiny-long microphone. He gets a long-lasting ovation from the crowd. He says tonight he gets to play a Price-game. He says as we all know, for a Price-game we need contestants. Crowd pops thinking it’s going to be random. Finkel brings out Santino Marella with "Come on Down!". Marella overacts and pops out of the crowd, ala Price Is Right style. Same for Jillian Hall. Same for Irwin R. Schyster (I.R.S., old WWE star). Same for Chris Jericho – loud boo from the crowd. Bob Barker while music is still playing is calling out Chris Jericho. Jericho is nowhere to be found. Finally he comes out, very smug-like, with his giant "Chris" name-tag on his bare chest. The rest have it on clothes and came out of the crowd. Music stops and we find out what they’re going to bid on. All the stars are lined up in the Price Is Right mock-set. They’re bidding on the SmackDown! DVD. Each person gets their bid. Santino is asked for his bid. He says he wants to buy a vowel. Barker tells him he’s been body-slammed too many times, that’s the wrong show. He asks for his DVD bid. Santino looks to the crowd for help. He bids "1,465 american-style dollars." Jillian is asked for her bid. She says she’s a big fan and wants to sing first. She screeches the "I will always love you" song. Barker quickly tries to cut her off. He succeeds. Jillian bids $75. IRS is up next. He asks if this bid includes taxes. IRS bids $50 including the taxes. Jericho is up. Jericho gets out of his spot and walks up to Barker, getting in his face. Jericho is trying to be a tough guy and Barker is PUNKING him. "look he actually speaks." Lots of insults, cutting Jericho off repeatedly. Barker is getting the better of him but not letting him say more than 2-3 words. Jericho says he’s number one, Barker cuts him off and says that’s his bid. He tells Jericho that’s his bid and to go back to his spot. "I’m gonna have to take you over my knee, get down there." Barker says the actual price was $18.90 so Jericho wins. He tells Jericho to get in the ring. He’s won the DVD and now he’s up for another possible prize – a trip to Hawaii. Barker tells Jericho if he wins his match he’s off to beautiful Hawaii. He says your opponent is THIS gentleman – and MVP’s music hits.

Trip To Hawaii Match:
-Chris Jericho vs. MVP

The two mat-wrestle and scramble around on the ground early. Lots of reversals, etc. Jericho hits the ropes and knocks MVP down with a shoulder block. MVP clotheslines Jericho down. MVP dropkicks Jericho to the face on the ground. Jericho misses a spot off the ropes and hits the ground on the outside. We go to a mid-match commercial. We return from commercial and Jericho has MVP in a rear chin-lock. MVP works his way out. MVP misses a move and flies to the outside. Jericho is outside after him. Jericho rams him into the barricade and throws him back in the ring. Jericho taunting MVP and MVP rolls him up for a pinfall but only gets two. MVP gets a flurry off punches in followed by a big clothesline. MVP with a jaw-buster on Jericho, which sets up his Ballin’ move. Jericho pops up instead and slaps on the Walls Of Jericho. MVP almost taps but somehow manages to roll Jericho up out of the Walls, Jericho kicks out. Crowd popped big. MVP rolls Jericho up again but Jericho again kicks out. Crowd pops big again. MVP sets up The Playmaker but Jericho escapes. He tries hitting the Codebreaker again like last week but MVP blocked it this week and rolled Jericho up for the pinfall and the victory.

Winner: MVP

Make sure to click below for page two of our RAW report.

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