Complete ECW on SyFy Results – 9/22/09

The following took place on the 9/22/09 edition of ECW on SyFy:

The show opens with The Abraham Washington Show. Sheamus is Abe’s guest and Shelton Benjamin comes out midway into the segment to have words with Sheamus. After some back and forth between Sheamus and Shelton, Shelton eventually steps up to Sheamus, but when Tony Atlas interrupts them, Sheamus sucker attacks Shelton, the two brawl, and security eventually has to come down to break them up.

Yoshi Tatsu then defeated Paul Burchill with a roundhouse kick in the corner followed by a pin fall.

A recap is shown of how Zack Ryder came to be the number one contender to the ECW Title.

Ryder is then interviewed backstage and he cuts a promo claiming he is going to win the ECW Title tonight.

Katie Lea and Paul Burchill are then interviewed backstage by Gregory Helms, who asks Katie several questions. Burchill then attacks Helms and tells him he is not done with him.

Vladimir Kozlov and Ezekiel Jackson then defeated Brandon Young and Dustin Brady when Ezekiel Jackson hit the uranage on Brady for the pin fall.

After a commercial break, Jackson, Kozlov and Regal run into Goldust. Regal tells Goldust that they have a match against each other on Superstars this week, and that just like the ECW Title match tonight, it’s gonna be a joke, as Regal is the only one with enough prestige to be ECW Champion.

Christian then defeats Zack Ryder for the ECW Championship after hitting the Killswitch for the pin fall.

After the match, Regal came out and told him that since Ryder lost the match, the slot is now open for a new number one contender and that it will be him. Christian punches Regal in the face, who retreats to the floor, as the show goes oft the air.