Tammy “Sunny” Sytch Goes Off On Lacey’s TNA Debut

David from Florida sent along the following: Tammy Sytch had some pretty harsh words for Lacey Von Erich and her TNA debut. Here are the things that Tammy said on her Facebook last night:
The orignal status update was : "Tamara Lynn Sytch wants to know who else thought Lacey Von Erich’s TNA debut was less than stellar?? Man, she sucks!"
Here are further comments she had on that status update:
"Tamara Lynn Sytch
i mean, shes so bad, WWE fired her from developmental after 4 months… I thought TNA prided themselves on girls who could WORK!"
"Tamara Lynn Sytch
hey, it’s not hard at all to LOOK hot…it’s a lot harder to know how to work"
"Tamara Lynn Sytch
nope, not a single ounce of jealousy Tim…just wondering where the business that I grew up loving has gone. Talent just doesn’t seem to matter anymore"
"Tamara Lynn Sytch
how can I be jealous of a disrespectful no-talent bimbo who is only in the business b/c she was born to a suicidal drug addict?"
"Tamara Lynn Sytch
no personal issue with her…it just aggrivates me when some get jobs and dont deserve it, when there are plenty of girls out there with looks and talent who should have those spots"
"Tamara Lynn Sytch
hey, I never relied on my looks for ANY job….think about it…I was one of the girls who was actually GOOD on the mike. I never said I was a wrestler…Im not. Never was. Never will be. do what I do for 20 years and you earn the right to critique the work of others…dont like it? Dont listen. Easy as that."
"Tamara Lynn Sytch
i agree.. Trish started a whole new era of women’s wrestling.,I tell her that every time I see her…You see, I gladly give credit where credit is due…. but Lacey doesn’t know how to handle herself in the ring, or out of the ring among her peers either…trust me, she’s not a popular girl, for more reasons than one.
Yesterday at 9:19pm"
"Tamara Lynn Sytch
ok…so if Uncle Kevin says do it, does that make you good? If your uncle told you to be a plumber, would you be good at it?"
"Tamara Lynn Sytch
no, ive seen her work on indies that Ive been on…there’s no helping that situation…she’s bad. Candice was better than her."
"Tamara Lynn Sytch
I also heard she’s walking around the locker room like she owns the place… Just wait til Kong gets a hold of that!"
"Tamara Lynn Sytch
the only thing she has going for her is her looks…its sad"