EXCLUSIVE: Update on Big Show & His SSeries Match Finish

We reported earlier on the site that sources have noted that both Big Show and Rey Mysterio are expected to undergo separate knee surgeries which is why their bouts were booked as they were last night at Survivor Series.

I just spoke to a high level source within WWE that has given me an update on Big Show’s situation.

Big Show is expected to undergo surgery soon on his knee, however, it is very minor, and according to the source I spoke with he will only be missing from 1-3 weeks of TV time. The surgery he is scheduled to have is a simple procedure to clean out some scar tissue in the knee, and he is expected to be back on TV very soon.

Furthermore, Big Show’s surgery was NOT the reason why WWE booked the choke out finish of the Triple Threat Match last night at Survivor Series, and what we saw last night had been the planned finished all along, even prior to BIg Show’s decision to have this upcoming minor surgery.