ECW On SyFy Results – December 15, 2009

…continued from page two

Caylen Croft & Trent Barreta v. Jorge Arias & Julio Cruz
Cruz got an early dropkick in but the heels quickly took the advantage. They went to work on the legs of Cruz, frequently tagging in and out. They finished with a double team move where Barreta starts a vertical suplex and both men finished it with a hanging neckbreaker. They also announced themselves as winners and next year’s Slammy award winning team of the year. They better start first by getting over in the least.
Croft & Barreta squash, 1:57.

Kane v. Zack Ryder
Kane started with a dropkick onto a fallen Kane. Kane caught Ryder leaping off of the middle rope with a body slam. Kane couldn’t follow up with an elbow drop but did hit with a back suplex and a big boot. Kane missed another big boot allowing Ryder to drop Kane with a leg kick. Ryder then controlled Kane on the mat for a bit. Kane briefly got to his feet and tried for a choke slam but Ryder got out of it with a low dropkick. Ryder countered to work the left leg of Kane on the ground. Ryder connected with a rocker dropper for a near fall. He then tried for a leg lariat but Kane caught him in mid air and maneuvered into a choke slam for the sudden victory. No match went longer than 4:01 on this show which is unusual. I suppose we just couldn’t go on without that episode of the Abraham Washington Show
Kane d. Ryder, Pin, 3:50, *½.