BG James Speaks On A DX Reunion In WWE, More

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BG says that DX may have been a rip off of New World Order. BG mentions that half of the Kliq worked in WCW and the other worked in the WWF. BG doesn’t see it as a rip off, but rather just people in the same group working in different companies. BG puts Eric Bischoff as a smart man. BG worked as a agent for the TNA Genesis, but it was only for the that show.

Jack asks if anyone got mad about the pump handle slam and the taunt that BG would do before performing the move. BG tells a hilarious story about what he and fellow wrestler said about the situation. BG remembers seeing Test do the move in a powerful way and he knew he couldn’t do that so he made it easier for himself.

A member from the board asks where was the “With My Baby Tonight” angle was suppose to go. BG says that a In Your House in 1995 their was suppose to be a three way dance between himself, Jeff Jarrett and Shawn Michaels. BG went in a different direction and the angle went south. BG believes that at the end of the angle he would have defeated Jeff Jarrett to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship. BG says that he made a mistake in not going with the plan. BG says that he last sang the song during a Canadian trip.

In a hilarious turn of events, Barbie Richards begins to SING the “With My Baby Tonight” song. Has to be heard, as BG puts over Barbie’s singing ability.

Jack asks BG is doing health wise, and BG says that he is doing well. He does “feel my age” (BG is 40). BG says that he is too old to get in the ring with the young guys, as he isn’t going to be like a Ric Flair, because he simply can’t.

A member from the board asks what BG what he thinks of the Armstrong Curse. BG believes that was Bobby Heenan just making some great commentary. BG believes it is a blessing to have the Armstrong last name. BG would be interested in doing commentary, but he doesn’t know if he would be good at it.

A caller asks if BG thinks TNA focuses too much time on competing with the WWE. BG believes that they do but he doesn’t know if that is necessarily a bad thing. He does say they will need to focus on their storylines and their own product.

Concluded on page three …