BG James Speaks On A DX Reunion In WWE, More

Neal Jones sent along the following:

BG James Interview Recap
By: Bob Colling of

Jack, OIB and Barbie Richards are quickly joined by BG James better known as Road Dogg from his run in the WWF from 1995-2001. James is happy to be joining the program.

To listen to the full interview go to

BG James brings up his participation in the legends mania event taking place on March 12th and 13th. James mentions that the whole Armstrong Family will be in attendance. for more information. The events will be taking place in Georgia.

BG isn’t disappointed that he didn’t use the Armstrong name, but rather is glad to been able to get over on his own and need to use the last name that his father made famous. BG is happy to be a Armstrong.

A caller asks if there is a match that stands out to him to which BG mentions the dumpster match from Wrestle Mania XIV. BG believes that match was a defining moment in his career and his tag team partner Billy Gunn. BG says that was a great stepping stone for the New Age Outlaws. BG says that it is true that he convinced Vince to not the stunts in rehearsal to see if it was safe enough for Cactus and Terry to take the bumps. BG puts over the fact that Vince and Shane do some crazy bumps and says that they impressed the boys in the back.

BG puts over Terry Funk as being the toughest guy he has ever worked with in his career. Jack and BG do their Terry Funk’s impersonations. BG says their were several times when he didn’t want to do some bumps because they were too dangerous.

A member from the board asks what does BG think of DX today. To find out what BG said… listen to the interview!

Jack asks if BG had talked to the WWE about returning to re-join. BG says he did but it “wasn’t meant to be”. BG also doesn’t believe that you burn bridges in the wrestling business.

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