In-Depth Dragon Gate USA “Fearless” Results & Notes

…continued from page two

3. FIP World Heavyweight Title: Masaaki Mochizuki (c) vs. Davey Richards: Mochizuki sporting new trunks and blonde hair making him look 10 years younger. As expected, this was a strike-fest with Mochizuki laying in some sickening kicks on Davey. Once again, Davey nearly breaks his back by landing on the concrete after a Tope Con Hilo. Davey does a great job selling the leg work Mochizuki was doing throughout the entire match. Finish comes when Davey hits a DR Driver II on Mochizuki, transitions into a Kimura when Mochizuki kicks out, transitions again into a Cross Armbreaker and finally into a Triangle Choke which Mochizuki passes out in. Another fantastic match.


4. Elimination Tag Team Match: Naruki Doi & Masato Yoshino vs. The Young Bucks vs. Shingo & YAMATO: Another highly entertaining match with YAMATO standing out as being a total goofball. Every team gets to hit their signature spots and the pace is quick the entire way out. First elimination comes when Masato Yoshino pins Matt Jackson (I think) following a Doi 555’s to Lightning Spiral combination. The match really gets good in this segment as the two remaining teams try their hardest to kill one another. Finish sees Shingo submit to Yoshino’s Sol Naciente. Match Of The Night.

5. Open The Freedom Gate Championship: BxB Hulk vs. Dragon Kid (w/CIMA): BxB has dancers and dances but the girls are terrible. Very solid match that wasn’t nearly on the level of the two previous matches but still very good in its own right. Crowd is red-hot for BxB Hulk throughout the match. Very back and forth contest which saw both men on the verge of defeat numerous times.
BxB pins Dragon Kid following an EVOP after Kid kicked out of an Avalanche EVO, a regular EVO and an FTX.

After the match, Gran Akuma, Davey Richards & YAMATO rush the ring and start putting the boots to both BxB and Kid and CIMA when he tries to intervene. Eventually Shingo comes out and breaks it up and has a staredown with YAMATO but then the two smile at each other and Shingo levels Dragon Kid with a Lariat. Arik Cannon & Brad Allen try to intervene but they get overwhelmed relatively quickly. The CHIKARA guys then rush the ring with Quack having a staredown with YAMATO before tackling him and going to town with right hands. CIMA then returns to the ring with a broom and cleans house (pun intended), leaving him standing alone.

CIMA then gets on the microphone and thanks us for coming out and says that in Phoenix, he’s bringing Gamma with him. He asks us if we’d like Dragon Gate to come back and we all enthusiastically confirm and CIMA thanks us a final time and his music plays him out.


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