Paul Heyman Calls Brock Lesnar A “Carwin-Eating Carnivore”

The hype for Brock Lesnar’s UFC 116 main event with Shane Carwin for the Undisputed Heavyweight Championship was kicked off tonight as soon as the Strikeforce show ended, and Lesnar’s former WWE producer and writer (and on air “agent”/”manager”) Paul Heyman posted a huge blog on The Heyman Hustle in which he describes Lesnar as a “Carwin-Eating Carnivore!”

In the blog, which can be read in its entirety HERE, Heyman writes:
There is an eery calmness to Brock Lesnar these days. I’ve never seen him this close to a major event and yet have so much peace of mind. Usually, he’s a self-described “bear with a sore ass” heading into fight week. This time, however, Brock’s approach is a bit different. No tension. No pacing. No “can’t wait til I get in there and the fight starts” mentality. Brock Lesnar is simply counting down the days until he has a job to do, and that job is to once again unify the UFC Heavyweight Championship.
“I have a different perspective on everything,” the only man who has ever held the NCAA, WWE, and UFC Heavyweight Championships said, “I know what I have to do, and I am sure Shane Carwin knows I am uniquely capable of doing it.”
The way I look at it, from my own personal perspective, is that one of two things is happening here. The first scenario is really scary. We may be witnessing a dramatic shift in the Lesnar mindset, a far different approach than he’s ever carried with him into the Octagon. Uh oh. That could be a very scary “unknown factor” for Shane Carwin to deal with. The other possibility is Brock is at one with his own emotions, and the beast will emerge when that Octagon door is locked, and it’s only Brock Lesnar, Shane Carwin, and the referee inside the cage. Having known Brock for over 8 years, I can’t tell you which scenario is scarier. They both seem pretty frightening to me.
“I’m sure Shane Carwin has done everything he can to prepare for this fight,” Brock theorized, “I know I am very satisfied with how my training camp went. I’ve envisioned this fight over and over in my head. Each time I see it playing out, my hand is up in the air. It’s just the way it’s going to be. No knock on Shane. I’m sure he’s bringing his A-Game against me. Good for him. He better … because I just don’t see any man being able to take this championship away from me.”
There’s a ton of exclusive quotes from Lesnar, including some very surprising comments from the former WWE Champion. Heyman, who gave Lesnar the nickname “The Next Big Thing” now switches the nickname to “The Carwin-Eating Carnivore.” You can read it all HERE.