Update: Brock Lesnar’s Shocking Shift In UFC 116 Strategy

The Heyman Hustle has been embedded in Brock Lesnar’s camp this week for the major upcoming UFC 116 title fight between Lesnar and Shane Carwin. Below is an excerpt from The Hustle website noting Brock’s shocking change in fight strategy for this Saturday night’s bout:

"Lesnar’s workout lasted all of about 45 seconds. The message was sent. It was loud and clear. Brock Lesnar had an amazing shift in strategy, no doubt brought on by the addition of Boston boxing legend Peter Welch into The Death Clutch Gym in Alexandria, Minnesota.
Brock Lesnar changed his stance.
He’s hitting hard from the right, but his stance is that of a southpaw. He’s bringing knockout power with the left hand now, set up by the jarring right he has crushed Frank Mir, Heath Herring, and Randy Couture with.
"I brought Peter Welch in, and we changed my stance and switched from standard … from traditional … to southpaw … and it’s really worked out," Lesnar told the fans and media at the open workout, "It’s helped in my wrestling, my shooting. We changed a lot of things."
Lesnar also provided the pro wrestling moment of the day when he knocked down a poster of Shane Carwin. "I just leaned on it," Lesnar joked, "whoops!"

Be sure to CLICK HERE for more more on Lesnar’s strategy and exclusive coverage of UFC 116 coming out of Las Vegas!