JR Blog: Working With Heyman, Cody Rhodes, Akbar, More

Jim Ross has posted a new blog over at JRsBarBQ.com. Below are some highlights:

"Working with [Paul] Heyman was always unpredictable and exhilarating as Paul always knew what buttons to push to elicit the most organic of responses out of me. Heyman was a natural, antagonist broadcaster who embraced his role and did it well. Very well."

"In my over four decades in the wrestling biz, I don’t think I can name one man who unselfishly done more to help young wrestlers and who was more dedicated to his profession that Jim Wehba aka General Scandor Akbar."

"Cody Rhodes did a fine job on Syfy’s Warehouse 13 Tuesday night which is the first time that I had ever watched the program. Cody looked extremely buffed in his ‘extra medium’ shirt especially compared to the other actors on the program. Cody’s recent work on NXT has been very positive in my view."


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