mike santana
Photo Credit: TNA

Mike Santana Returns To TNA At Rebellion PPV

Mike Santana is back in TNA.

Santana made his return at the TNA Rebellion pay-per-view. He was unveiled as the surprise opponent of Steve Maclin, who had been demanding a match on the show.

TNA Rebellion Results

Check out a recap of the match, courtesy of our live coverage page:

Steve Maclin comes to the ring and says he promised to make his presence felt tonight. He reveals that he is holding a new contract offer from TNA Wrestling. Maclin says they’ve been going back and forth, but his demands were all met… but one. Maclin says he wants a match on the spot, and won’t leave until his new demands are met. Santino Marella comes out and says Maclin is making a scene, but Maclin is very lucky. Santino says he signed a new star who is eager to fight, and books the match on the spot…

Mike Santana walks out to the delight of the crowd!

Santana and Maclin slug it out before hitting the ropes, and Maclin cracks his opponent with a forearm shot. Santana fires right back with a DVD for two. Santana calls for a discus clothesline, but Maclin counters with a knee strike and a diving headbutt for two. Maclin gets a seated driver for two, then he clotheslines the back of Santana’s head before kneeing him in the face for yet another two count. Maclin goes for KIA, but there’s some back and forth reversals before Santana hit Spin The Block for the win.

Winner – Mike Santana

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