Eric Young Frankie Kazarian TNA Rebellion
Photo Credit: TNA

TNA Rebellion: Eric Young vs. Frankie Kazarian Result

Frankie Kazarian survived a war in Full Metal Mayhem.

Kazarian won a bloody and hardcore match at TNA Rebellion, putting Eric Young away after hitting a Flux Capacitor through a table.

TNA Rebellion Results

Check out a recap of the match, courtesy of our live coverage page:

Full Metal Mayhem: Frankie Kazarian vs. Eric Young

EY and Kaz fight at ringside and on the apron. A near table spot gets this back in the ring, but Kaz quickly goes for a ladder and launches it into EY’s face. EY comes back after hitting Kaz with cookie sheets and a trash can lid. EY gets a spiked 2×4 (aka Abyss’s “Janice”) and tries to crack Kaz with it. Kaz ducks and EY gets it stuck in the turnbuckle, then they try to shove each others’ faces into it. EY gets whipped into the opposite corner, and he does a floatover onto the apron. EY ends up getting speared into a table on the floor, then Kaz rolls him in and gets a two count.

EY and Kaz slug it out in the center of the ring, then they trade head shots with the cookie sheets. EY gets a two count off of a Death Valley Driver, then Kaz chokes EY with a chain on the turnbuckles. EY drops down and chokes Kaz with the chain before powerslamming him down. EY puts a trash can on Kaz’s head and punches it with the chain, then EY heads up top and hits an elbow drop onto the trash can… for two!

EY wedges a ladder on the bottom rope, then Kaz turns the tables and hits an Unprettier on the ladder for two. Kaz hits him with a trash can lid, then he brings a table into the ring. Kaz lays EY on the table and heads up top with a trash can. EY rushes over and crotches Kaz on the top turnbuckle. EY climbs up top with Kaz, who low blows EY and hits a Flux Capacitor through the table. Kaz rolls over onto a bloodied EY and makes the cover.

Winner – Frankie Kazarian

READ MORE: Eric Young On Sting: He Deserves All Of His Flowers

What are your thoughts on this match result? Did the right man leave TNA Rebellion with the win from Full Metal Mayhem? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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