WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results (2/12/24)

WWE Raw Results

February 12, 2024

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

The New Day and Jey Uso vs. IMPERIUM

Kingston and Kaiser start the match. Kingston lands a flurry of strikes. Woods tags in and double-teams Kaiser with Kingston. Jey tags in, and so does Gunther. Gunther tags out before they can lock up. Vinici attacks Jey from behind. IMPERIUM takes turns beating down Jey. After the break, Jey tags in Kingston, who clears the ring. Kingston lands a splash on Vinci’s back. Vinci kicks out. Kaiser tries to get involved, but Woods pulls him off the apron. Boom drop by Kingston. Kingston calls for his finish. Vinci distracts the referee while Kaiser pulls Kingston out of the ring. Kaiser sends Kingston into the ring steps. Gunther tags in and continues the assault on Kingston. Gunther puts Kingston in a Boston Crab.

Kingston writhes in pain as Gunther trash talks Jey. Jey rushes the ring and slaps Gunther in the face. A huge brawl breaks out. After the break, Kingston manages to tag in Jey. Jey clears the ring. Jey stares a hole through Gunther while he lands hip attacks on Kasier and Vinci. Gunther looks on. Jey superkicks Kaiser. Vinci dives off the top and eats a superkick from Jey. Gunther gets the tag. Jey and Gunther trade strikes. Gunther ducks a stikes and lands a nasty chop. Gunther mocks Jey before trying a splash. Jey gets his knees up. Spear by Jey. Kaiser breaks up the pin. Vinci gets a tag. Kingston, Woods, and Jey hits massive 1D on Vinci. Kingston takes out the rest of IMPERIUM with a dive. Jey hits the Uso Splash on Vinci for the win.

Winners- The New Day and Jey Uso

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE Raw Results (2/5/24)

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Bobby Lashley vs. Bronson Reed

Reed smushes Lashley in the corner. Reed tries a slam. Lashley slips off and tries the Hurt Lock. Reed drives Lashley into the corner. Lashley surprises Reed with a lariat. Lashley eats the ring post and falls out of the ring. Reed lands a diving shoulder block off the apron that sends Lashley careening into the timekeeper’s area. After the break, Reed is working over Lashley. Lashley manages to suplex Reed. Reed backs into the corner.

Lashley lands a few clotheslines and a shoulder block. Reed responds with a DVD. Lashley kicks out. Body block by Reed. Reed hits the ropes and gets a spinebuster for his trouble. Reed counters a Spear with a knee strike. Senton by Reed. Reed goes up top. Lashley cuts Reed off and slams him off the top. Spear by Lashley. Lashley pins Reed.

Winner- Bobby Lashley

In-Ring Segment: Cody Rhodes

Rhodes asks the crowd what they want to talk about. Rhodes says he is challenging Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 40. The crowd goes nuts. Rhodes thanks the crowd for helping him with his decision. A “We want Cody!” chant breaks out. Rhodes doesn’t want to get emotional because he doesn’t want to be a crybaby. Rhodes says there is one person who didn’t want Cody. The crowd chants, “Rocky sucks!”. Rhodes throws to the video of The Rock talking about the Cody Crybabies. Rhodes says he didn’t say anything to defile The Rock’s ancestors at the press conference, but The Rock put his hands on him.

As the crowd cheers, Rhodes promises to hit The Rock back. Seth Rollins’ music hits, and he pimp struts his way to the ring. Rhodes thanks Rollins for standing up for him at the press conference. Rollins says you’re welcome. Rollins tells Rhodes he understands why Rhodes made the choice he did. Rhodes nods as Rollins gets in his face. Rollins tells Rhodes he MUST finish his story. For Rollins, Dusty, the people, and everyone. Rollins notes this is probably the last legitimate chance they have to rest power from Reigns. Rollins asks Rhodes what his plan is. Rhodes got screwed at last year’s WrestleMania.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE Raw Results (2/5/24)

Rollins says the deck is even more stacked this year. It’s not just The Bloodline but also The Rock Rhodes will have to contend with. Rollins tells Rhodes he doesn’t have to fight this battle alone. He’s sick and tired of people like Reigns and The Rock throwing their weight around and getting away with it. Rollins admits that he’s partially responsible for the man Reigns is today. He never thought Reigns would turn into this kind of monster. Now, The Bloodline has two heads. When it comes to fighting Roman Reigns, only one man is uniquely qualified to act as Rhodes Shield. That man was once an architect and is now a visionary. The man is Seth “Freakin” Rollins!

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Liv Morgan vs. Zoey Stark

Morgan beats Stark into the corner. Stark lands a lariat. Stark ends up on the apron. Morgan tries to go up top. Stark cuts Morgan off and drops her with a DVD on the apron. After the break, Morgan lands a diving lung blower. Stark kicks out. Stark powerbombs Morgan. Morgan kicks out. Crucifix bomb by Morgan. Stark kicks out. Morgan tries another lung blower, but Stark blocks it. Morgan hits sit down in the corner. Stark counters Oblivion with a superkick. Stark misses a Phoenix Splash. Morgan hits Oblivion for the win.

Winner- Liv Morgan

Backstage, R-Truth feverishly tries to get The Miz on the phone to see if he can get to the arena to help him. Truth finally understands The Judgement is out to kill him tonight. Adam Pearce forces R-Truth to go to the ring because his music is playing.

R-Truth vs. JD McDonagh w/ The Judgement Day

McDonagh attacks Truth as soon as the bell rings. Truth slams McDonagh’s head into the turnbuckle. McDonagh tries to run away. Hip toss by McDonagh. Truth does a split, then hits a Stinger splash. High-angle back body drop by Truth. Truth hits the Attitude Adjustment. Dominik pulls McDonagh out of the ring before Truth can pin him.

After the break, McDonagh and Truth trade strikes. Five moves of doom by Truth. McDonagh kicks Truth in the head before he can land the five-knuckle shuffle. Truth slams McDonagh and hits the five-knuckle shuffle. McDonagh rolls up Truth with a handful of tights. Truth kicks out. McDonagh hits the Devil Inside for the win.

Winner- R-Truth

After the match, The Judgement Day attacks Truth. Tomasso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano hit the ring with chairs to make the save.

In-Ring Segment: Becky Lynch

Lynch talks about having to explain to her daughter the brutality that her mother is going to unleash in the Elimination Chamber. Lynch wants the title back that she hasn’t held for two years. To complete her goal, she will have to win the chamber and go on to defeat Mami (Rhea Ripley). Lynch wants to make a toast. A stagehand hands her a drink. Lynch asks everyone to raise on in the air. This is to Rhea Ripley… enjoy your last few weeks as champion. Lynch takes a swig of lemonade. Nia Jax interrupts. Jax says she has something she needs to say to Lynch and asks for permission to join her in the ring.

Jax emotionally tells Lynch that she has so much respect for her. She hopes she can be the type of mother that Lynch is. Jax says she knows Lynch is going to win the chamber. There is nothing that can stop Lynch from going on to WrestleMania. Jax gets serious and says except her. Jax vows to beat Ripley and go on to face Lynch at WrestleMania. Rhea Ripley’s music hits. Ripley stomps down to the ring and takes Jax down. Jax squashes Lynch and Ripley in the corner. Ripley escapes a Samoan drop from Jax. Lynch blasts Jax with a missile dropkick. Ripley and Lynch have a staredown. Jax gets to her feet. Ripley boots Jax out of the ring.

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: LA Knight vs. Ivar w/Valhalla

Knight is in control early. After a distraction from Valhalla, Ivar takes out Knight. After the break, Knight runs right into a modified Tour of the Islands by Ivar. Knight kicks out. Ivar lands a powerbomb. Knight kicks out again. Ivar misses a bronco buster. LA Elbow by Knight. Ivar kicks out. Knight and Ivar trade strikes. Ivar floors Knight with a spin kick. Ivar misses the Doomsault. Knight hits the BFT for the win.

Winner- LA Knight

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Sami Zayn

After a series of reversals, Nakamura tells Zayn to come on. Zayn pulls down the top rope as Nakamura charges in, causing him to fall out of the ring. Zayn sets up a dive. Nakamura moves, but Zayn springboards back into the ring and tells Nakamura to come on. After the break, Nakamura lands a sliding German suplex. Zayn kicks out. Zayn surprises Nakamura with a Michinoku driver. Nakamura kicks out. Nakamura sends Zayn into the ropes. Zayn springboard leapfrogs over Nakamura. A clothesline by Zayn sends Nakamura flying over the top. Zayn lands a pluncha. After the break, Nakamura and Zayn trade strikes.

A spin kick floors Zayn. Zayn counters the Kinshasa with a blue thunder bomb. Nakamura kicks out at two. The fight spills out of the ring. Zayn tries his rope dive DDT, but Nakamura meets him midair with a dropkick. Nakamura blasts Zayn with a flying knee to the back of the head. Zayn collapses. Nakamura lays in several knee strikes. Nakamura lands another diving knee to the back of Zayn’s head. Zayn kicks out again. Nakamura runs right into a lariat. Zayn sends Nakamura into the corner with an exploder. Zayn calls for the Helluva Kick. Drew McIntyre runs down to ringside. Zayn gets distracted. Nakamura chops blocks Zayn and hits the Kinshasa for the win.

Winner- Shinsuke Nakamura

After the match, Nakamura and McIntyre beat down Zayn. Cody Rhodes makes the save.

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