WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (12/12/23)

WWE NXT Results
December 12, 2023

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

As the show kicks off, Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes are walking from the parking lot to the arena. They run into a bunch of reporters who ask Williams how he feels after winning the Iron Survivor Match. Williams cuts a promo about being ready for NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov. Hayes smiles and walks away, letting Williams have his moment.

After a video package recapping NXT Deadline, we see Hayes lying on the ground backstage, holding his knee. Referees and Williams rush in and check on Hayes.

In-Ring Segment: Cora Jade

Jade goes on a rant about how much everyone missed her and how she wasn’t even in the Iron Survivor Match, and the thing anyone is talking about is her return. Lyra Valkyria interrupts. Blair Davenport interrupts Valkyria and says Valkyria should be focused on her. At New Year’s Evil, she’s going to be the new NXT Women’s Champion. Nikkita Lyons is out next. Lyons yells that she didn’t forget what Davenport did to her in the parking lot. Davenport decks Lyons. Everyone brawls. Lyons and Valkyria clear the ring.

Six-Person Tag Team Match: Meta-Four vs. Briggs, Jensen, and Fallon Henley

Briggs, Jensen, and Henley are attacked as they pose after their entrances. Briggs and Co. fight back and clear the ring. After the break, Jensen is getting worked over by Mensah and Dar. Lash Legend tries to powerbomb Henley, but Henley turns it into a rana that sends both women out of the ring. Tiffany Stratton power walks to the ring and brawls with Henley. Henley and Stratton fight off. Briggs destroys Dar with a Lariat for the win.

Winners- Briggs, Jensen, and Fallon Henley

Men’s Breakout Tournament: Oba Femi vs. Myles Borne

Borne lands a dropkick that sends Femi into the corner. Femi lays in a few strikes. Borne works over Femi. Femi runs over Born with a clothesline. Femi lands a flurry of offense. Borne surprises Femi with a snap powerslam. Femi kicks out and rolls out of the ring. Borne follows and gets tripped on the apron. Femi pins Borne after a pop-up sit-out powerbomb.

Winner- Oba Femi

Dragon Lee walks to the ring to await his first challenger for the NXT North American Championship. Tyler Bate answers the challenge.

WWE NXT Results Continue on the Next Page!

NXT North American Championship Match: Dragon Lee (c) vs. Tyler Bate

Bate almost immediately traps Lee in an airplane spin, but Lee escapes. After another series of reversals, the fight pauses with a stalemate as both men attempt dropkicks at the same time. Bate and Lee trade pinfalls and ranas. Neither man can get an advantage. Double clothesline floors both of men. After the break, Bate lands a dive. T-bone suplex by Bate. Bate follows that with a standing shooting star for a near fall. Bate tries a headstand in the corner. Lee superkicks Bate in the face. Bate pops up to his feet and lands another superkick.

Bate falls out of the ring. Dive by Lee. Lee sends Bate back into the ring and lands a slingshot dropkick. Bate is out in the corner. Delayed dropkick by Lee. Lee gets caught in midair. Bate airplane spins Lee for what seems like a half hour. Lee kicks out. Rebound clothesline by Bate. Lee kicks out. Bate goes up top. Lee cuts Bate off and traps him in a tree of woe. Double stomp by Lee. Lee sets up a powerbomb. Bate reverses it into a Tyler Driver attempt. Lee turns that into a rana. After another series of reversals, Lee hits the Destino for the win.

Winner and STILL NXT North American Champion, Dragon Lee!

Dijak vs. Eddy Thorpe

Dijak tries to attack Thorpe during his entrance. Thorpe and Dijak brawl. Thorpe sends Dijak into the ring steps. The fight spills into the ring, and the bell finally rings. Dijak is busted open already. Dijak picks Thorpe up and drives him into the top turnbuckle so hard it breaks. As Thorpe writhes in pain, Dijak picks up the broken turnbuckle and beats Thrope with it. The referee disqualifies Dijak.

Winner- Eddy Thrope

Dijak leaves the ring once a group of referees runs down. As the referees check on Thorpe. Dijak rolls back in and drops Thorpe on the second turnbuckle.

Men’s Breakout Tournament: Keanu Carver vs. Riley Osborne

Osborne rolls up Carver for a near fall. Osborne gets another near fall after a standing moonsault. Carver destroys Osborne with a lariat. Osborne dives off the second rope. Carver catches Osborne and hits an early release fallaway slam. Spinning suplex by Carver. Osborne kicks out. Carver and Osborne trade strikes. Osborne hits the ropes, and Carver hits a Pounce that sends Osborne flying. Osborne boots Carver in the face and hits a shooting star press for the win.

Winner- Riley Osborne

Backstage, Drew Gulak challenges Dragon Lee to defend his title against a member of his crew. Lee agrees.

Backstage, Thea Hail awkwardly tries to talk to Chase U classmate Reily Osborne while Jacy Jane watches from the background. After making a fool of herself, Osborne leaves to take a shower. Kiana James and Izzi Dame walk in and talk about how hot Osborne is. James says a guy like that would never be interested in a little girl like Hail.

Blair Davenport and Cora Jade vs. Nikkita Lyons and Lyra Valkyria

Valkyria and Lyons are in control early. Jade takes over after Davenport trips Lyons. Davenport and Jade take turns working over Lyons. After the break, Lyons eventually manages to tag in Valkyria, who clears the ring. Valkyria lands a dropkick through the ropes. Tatum Paxley climbs over the barricade to watch the match. Valkyria gets distracted, gawking at Paxley. Valkyria misses a crossbody off the top. Jade gets a blind tag and ends up knocking heads with Valkyria. Davenport hits her finish on Valkyria. Lyons pulls Davenport out of the ring. Jade pins Valkyria.

Winners- Blair Davenport and Cora Jade

After the match, Davenport tosses Lyons out of the ring and caresses Valkyria’s face… for reasons…

Face-to-Face: Trick Williams and Ilja Dragunov

Williams says he would usually come out here and cut up his opponents, but not this time. He has nothing but respect for the other men in the Iron Survivor Match. The one thing they forgot is that his Steph Curry in the 4th, he’s Trick James, bitch. At New Year’s Evil, it will be the baddest man in NXT vs. the hottest star in NXT under the sun. Dragunov interrupts and tells Williams he’s proud of him. Dragunov puts over Williams and even starts a whoop that Trick chant. Williams and Dragunov dap each other up. Dragunov says, with all due respect, at New Year’s Evil, all of this comes to an end.

Williams noted a few months ago that he would stand in the ring and doubt if he could beat the mad dragon, but not today. Today, he’s that dude. Dragunov tells Williams he likes him, but he’ll do anything to remain NXT Champion. Carmelo Hayes walks to the ring. Hayes apologizes to Williams for interrupting. Hayes says he knows exactly who attacked him tonight, and it was the same person who attacked Williams. Dragunov says he’ll leave. Hayes tells Dragunov not to leave.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Deadline Results (12/9/23)

Hayes says it was Dragunov who attacked them both. Hayes says Dragunov had the most to gain, and he pitted Williams and Hayes against each other, and it worked. Dragunov hints that Hayes didn’t even get attacked. Hayes says Dragunov deserves to lose something just like they did. Hayes tries to take the NXT Championship from Dragunov. As they tug-o-war over the title, Dragunov lets go, and Hayes accidentally hits Williams with the title,

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