WWE NXT Results Wes Lee Bronson Reed Cameron Grimes Johnny Gargano
Image Credit: WWE

WWE NXT Results (11/28/23)

WWE NXT Results

November 28, 2023

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Tony D’Angelo and Stacks (c) vs. Humberto Carrillo and Angel Garza

Carrillo and Garza attack Stacks D’Angelo during their entrance. D’Angelo back body drops Stacks over the top rope onto Garza and Carrillo. The referee rings the bell, and Stacks and D’Angelo beat down Carrillo. D’Angelo tosses Carrillo al over the ring. D’Angelo lands a flurry of strikes. Carrillo surprises D’Angelo with a disaster kick.

Stacks manages to get the tag, and he clears the ring. Garza saves Carrillo from a charging Stacks in the corner. Carrillo and Garza take turns working over Stacks. Garza and Carrillo press slam Stacks off the top. Garza hits the Angel’s Wings on Stacks. Stacks kicks out but low blows Garza in the process. Stacks and D’Angelo hit Bada Bing Bada Boom on Garza for the win.

Winners and STILL NXT Tag Team Champions, Tony D’Angelo and Stacks!

Backstage, Lexis King craps on Jensen for not getting picked for the Iron Survivor when Briggs and Fallon Henley were. Briggs gets involved and says Jensen will show King what he’s worth tonight in a match.

Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifying Match: Kiana James vs. Kelani Jordan

James and Jordan trade strikes and submission attempts. James pulls Jordan’s hair to break a headlock. Jordan tries her spinning hip toss, but James puts on the brakes. Jordan springboards off the ropes and manages to land her hip toss. Jordan lands a rana that sends James out of the ring. James flapjacks Jordan on the commentary desk.

After the break, James works over Jordan. Jordan fires up. Jordan gets a near fall after a frontflip leg drop. James counters the Overdrive into a spinebuster. Jordan kicks out. James hits the 401K. Instead of going for the pin, James gets distracted after someone rings the bell. It’s Roxanne Perez! James yells at Perez and gets kicked in the head by Jordan. Jordan hits a split-legged moonsault for the win.

Winner- Kelani Jordan

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (11/21/23)

Backstage, Chad Gable and the rest of Alpha Academy challenge Meta-Four to a mixed tag match next week.

Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifying Match: Bron Breakker vs. Eddy Thorpe

Thorpe lands a flurry of offense before getting cut off by Breakker. Breakker works over Thorpe’s injured ribs, landing two nasty gut busters during the assault. After the break, Breakker trash-talks Thorpe. Thorpe fires up and lands every German suplexes. Thorpe lands a snap German suplex and immediately clutches at his ribs. Breakker pops to his feet and cuts Thorpe in half with a Spear for the win.

Winner- Bron Breakker

Ilja Dragunov vs. Nathan Frazer

Dragunov tosses Frazer all over the ring and lights him up with machine gun chops. Dragunov lands a pair of vicious German suplexes. Frazer fires up and lands a few strikes. Dragunov misses a spear in the corner. Frazer lands a springboard dropkick. Dragunov misses the Constantine Special. Frazer misses a phoenix splash. Powerbomb by Dragunov. Dragunov lands the H-Bomb but doesn’t go for the pin. Dragunov lands two more H-Bombs before finally pinning Frazer.

Winner- Ilja Dragunov

Joe Gacy cuts a promo from under the ring… Yes, he is literally under the ring right now, ranting about his worst enemy and people thinking he is beneath them.

Arianna Grace vs. Karmen Petrovic

Grace tells Petrovic to kiss her hand. Petrovic tosses Grace into the corner and tells her to kiss her hand. During the match, Joe Gacy emerges from under the ring and steals the ringbell. Gacy runs to the back. Grace, who was in the middle of working over Petrovic, is perplexed. After the break, Grace and Petrovic get tied up in the ropes. As the referee tries to separate them, Grace pokes Petrovic in the eye. Grace hits her finish and pins Petrovic.

Winner- Arianna Grace

Joe Gacy appears in the crowd and frantically rings the bell to signify the end of the match.


Lexis King vs. Brooks Jensen w/Briggs and Fallon Henley

Jensen is a house of fire as the match starts, landing several strikes and sending King out of the ring. After the break, King is working over Jensen. Jensen lands a nasty uppercut, followed by a top rope dropkick. Carmelo Hayes runs down to the ring and hops on the apron. Referees and Briggs pull Hayes off the apron so he can’t attack King. In the confusion, King hits his finish on Jensen for the win.

Winner- Lexis King

Dominik Mysterio is at the commentary desk for the next match.

North American Championship Number One Contender’s Match: Wes Lee vs. Bronson Reed vs. Cameron Grimes vs. Johnny Gargano (If Wes Lee Loses, He can Never challenge Dominik Mysterio for the North American Championship Again)

Reed runs over Lee and drapes him on the top rope. Reed slingshot Lee off the ropes into Gargano and Grimes. After the break, Grimes, Gargano, and Lee triple team Reed, managing to send him careening over the top rope. Reed hits the ring and tries to slam Grimes on top of Lee, but Gargano grabs Lee’s legs and catapults Lee into Reed’s balls. Reed rolls out of the ring. Gargano tries to whip Lee into Grimes, but Grimes moves out of the way. Lee dives through the ropes and crashes into Reed. Gargano lands dives on everyone.

Lee tries a Meteora off the top, but Reed catches him midair and hits a DVD. Lee kicks out. Grimes catches Reed with a crossbody off the top for a near fall. Reed slams all three men at the same time. Grimes kicks out. Reed goes up top and gets powerbombed by Gargano, Grimes, and Lee. Reed press slams Lee off the top into Gargano and Grimes. Reed goes up top. Ivar appears out of nowhere and attacks Reed. Reed and Ivar fight off. Grimes flattens Gargano with the Cave In. Before Grimes can capitalize, Lee hits the Cardiac Kick out of nowhere for the win.

Winner and NEW Number One Contender, Wes Lee!

Roxanne Perez and Kiana James are in the middle of a brawl in the parking lot. Referees and officials try to separate both women to no avail.

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