WWE Crown Jewel Roman Reigns LA Knight
Photo Credit: WWE

WWE Crown Jewel: Roman Reigns vs. LA Knight Result

Thanks to a lot of help from The Bloodline, Roman Reigns was able to defeat LA Knight and once again retain the Universal Championship at WWE Crown Jewel.

The finish saw Jimmy Uso put Roman Reigns’ foot on the ropes after LA Knight hit BFT and had the match won. Knight brawled with Jimmy and Roman outside the ring and put Jimmy through the commentary table. But Reigns speared Knight through the barricade, tossed him into the ring, and speared him again to retain his title.

WWE Crown Jewel Results

Check out a recap of the match, courtesy of our live coverage page:

Reigns and Knight trade strikes. Reigns floors Knight with an uppercut. Knight gets to his feet and is sent into the corner. Reigns sends Knight into the ropes. Knight catches Reigns with a dropkick to the knee. Reigns tosses Knight out of the ring. Slingshot shoulder block by Knight. Knight sets up the LA elbow. Heyman gets on the apron. Reigns rolls out of the ring. Reigns and Heyman confer, but Knight dropkicks Reigns through the ropes. Diving clothesline off the apron by Knight. Knight clears the commentary desk. Reigns attacks from behind.

Both men take turns slamming each other into the desk. Reigns trips Knight into the ring steps. Reigns launches Knight into the sets again. The referee starts to count Knight out. Knight manages to break the count. Reigns works over Knight. Knight fires up. Right and lefts by Knight. Leaping clothesline by Knight. Russian leg sweep by Knight. Reigns gets to his feet and walks right into a DDT. Reigns ducks a clothesline and hits a Rock Bottom. Knight kicks out at two.

Leaping neckbreaker by Knight. Knight sets up the LA elbow. Reigns surprises Knight with a Superman Punch. Reigns falls on top of Knight. Knight kicks out. Reigns calls for the Spear. Knight jumps over Reigns’ Spear. Knight dives his shoulder into Reigns’ gut multiple times. Reigns pushes Knight off the top as he tries a superplex. Knight hops back up top and lands the superplex. LA elbow. Reigns kicks out. Solo Sikoa appears on the ramp. Referees and officials hold him back. Jimmy Uso pulls Reigns out of the ring.

The Finish

Knight tries to pull Jimmy into the ring. Reigns catches him with another Superman Punch. Spear by Reigns. Knight kicks out!

Knight slowly gets to his feet. Reigns locks Knight in a guillotine. Knight starts to fade. Knight fires up. Reigns will not let go. Knight stuns Reigns on the top rope. BFT by Knight! Jimmy puts Reigns’ foot on the bottom rope to break the hold. Knight rolls out of the ring and slams Jimmy’s head off the commentary desk. Reigns tries to break it up, but Knight slams his head into the desk multiple times. Knight suplexes Jimmy through the commentary desk. Reigns speaks Knight through the barricade. Reigns sends Knight back into the ring and hits a Spear for the win.

Winner and STILL Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, Roman Reigns!

READ MORE: Roman Reigns: They Call What I Do Cinema, LA Knight Will Disappear After Crown Jewel

What are your thoughts on this match result? Did the right man leave WWE Crown Jewel with the Universal Championship? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.


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