Sami Callihan Jason Segel
Image Credit: Sami Callihan (@TheSamiCallihan)

Sami Callihan On Jason Segel Spot: I Think We Became Best Friends

The wrestling world is still talking about Sami Callihan‘s viral moment with Jason Segel last weekend.

Wrestling Revolver owner Sami Callihan was a recent guest on Busted Open Radio. When asked about what’s next for him now that he’s free and clear from TNA Wrestling, Callihan said he loves having the time to put more work into Wrestling Revolver and working the independent scene.

“I’m looking at everywhere,” Sami Callihan admitted. “Like right now, I’m having a lot of fun working on Wrestling Revolver and having the time to do that. But also, I haven’t worked on the independents in almost three years. Getting a chance to go back out there and see what’s out there. And just like this past week, I went viral doing something with Jason Segel at Rey Fenix and Pentagon’s show.

“Being able to have those moments on a weekly basis is a lot of fun. But it is one of the things I am open to pretty much anywhere right now. It’s just finding what’s going to be the best home for me and the best fit. Like it’s out there on the dirt sheets, there is interest from other places. I’ve talked to a lot of places, but it’s just a matter of what’s going to fit best for me, and timing is everything.”

Did we just become best friends? Yep!

When asked if he might do more with Jason Segel in the future, Callihan said he believes they became best friends at that show and that he planned the spot as soon as he saw him sitting in the crowd.

“I think we became best friends,” Sami Callihan said. “I’m not kidding. I’m just saying I think me and Jason Segel became best friends. The clip went viral, which is great. As soon as I saw him, I was like, you know what? I’m gonna have a viral moment tonight. I planned it exactly that way.”

READ MORE: Sami Callihan Superkicks Penta El Zero Miedo Into Jason Segel’s Lap

What do you make of Sami Callihan’s comments? Would you like to see Jason Segel do more in professional wrestling? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

If you use any of these quotes, please credit Busted Open with a link to this article for the transcription.


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