Davey Boy Smith Jr

Davey Boy Smith Jr. Opens Up About Emergency Surgery, Comments On Recovery

Davey Boy Smith Jr. discusses his emergency surgery.

Davey Boy Smith Jr. was unable to compete at MLW Slaughterhouse on October 14. Ahead of the show, he had to get emergency surgery due to appendicitis.

In an interview with Mike McGuire on McGuire on Wrestling, Smith Jr. offered an update on his health.

“So to see if you have diverticulitis, they have to do what’s called a CT scan,” Davey Boy Smith Jr. said. “They go, ‘Well, we can’t get you in for that, but we have to take care of this first. We can get you in for a CT scan but it’s gonna be in a few hours, and in a few hours, we’re gonna be doing surgery. So they cut me open, and then they found that I have something called diverticulosis, which is a little bit different than diverticulitis. It’s the same thing, but when they opened me up, they saw that my colon was very infected and swollen. Basically, what diverticulosis is where they cut, like Brock Lesnar had a foot of his coming cut, and I think his came back again, or it came, happened like mine, and then it was diverticulosis, which I’m praying doesn’t happen, where they cut a foot of his colon, whereas mine, they just trimmed inch off. They trim the infected area. It’s not as bad as cutting a foot off your colon.

“So then they came in and they vacuumed a bunch of the infection out, and they do what’s like a trimming, like a haircut. Then on severe antibiotics after that because the colon’s infected. Basically what happens is, there’s the issue with the colon, but it’s caused by the appendix, and what they said to me, I’m just a rare case, but some people have a longer colon than others. Mine was pushing against my appendix. When it got infected, it just was pushing more into it. Whatever’s blocking the appendix there, it’s causing…it was both. So then they cut and trimmed, so I have three different incisions in my stomach now.”

Davey Boy Smith Jr. Calls Court Bauer A Great Boss

After noting that it looks like he’ll be alright, Davey Boy Smith Jr. described how MLW CEO Court Bauer has been a great boss to him throughout this process. He noted that Bauer has dealt with the same thing.

“Few days I recovered, couple days after that, I gotta go to MLW,” Davey Boy Smith Jr. said. “Then it was like the next day, it was way worse. I told them, I got in touch with them then, and I said, ‘Hey, listen. There’s something wrong.’ Funny enough, Court Bauer, the owner of MLW, he had diverticulosis, like mine. He knows exactly…he’s been a great boss because we’ve been chatting back and forth. ‘How’s week one going?’ ‘Oh, yeah, I’ve been there.’

“So he’s been great, he’s been checking in on me. He’s told me that I can come back to the ring when I’m ready. He’s like, ‘Believe me, I’ve literally been there. I know exactly what it’s like.’ So he’s been a good help. He’s been checking in on me every few days.”

Davey Boy Smith Jr. On Potential Return

When asked about the timeframe for his return to the ring, Davey Boy Smith Jr. noted that the recovery should take about a month. He also stated that he was already entering the third week. He explained that it will be a slow process, and he’s taking it day by day.

“Hopefully, I’m back in the gym slowly the next week or so,” Davey Boy Smith Jr. said. “They gave me a good four-week prognosis that, even though it was the appendix being removed, which is a two-to-four week, it’s more like a month. When you get the diverticulosis, it’s a good month of recovery. We’re going on week three of it now, so I should be be good.

“It’s just gonna be a slow recovery, and I’ll be good by December 16. As long as we’re going and I’m training and feeling good. I just gotta take it day by day and see where we go. But as far as I know, I’ll be good by then. It’s just gonna be a rough time getting back in the gym. It’s a shock I’ve never had.”

WrestleZone will provide more information about Davey Boy Smith Jr.’s status as it becomes available.