WWE SmackDown Results wade barrett corey graves

WWE SmackDown Results (9/29/23)

WWE SmackDown Results
September 29, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

In-Ring Segment: Paul Heyman, Solo Sikoa, and Jimmy Uso

Heyman tries to introduce himself but gets booed out of the building. Heyman announces that they acknowledge their Tribal chief, as does everyone else in the arena. It was in Roman Reigns’ name last week that John Cena took a beating at the hands of the Bloodline. Heyman says John Cena is having transportation issues and isn’t here yet.

Jimmy sticks his hand out for the mic like Roman Reigns does. Heyman glares at Jimmy. Jimmy laughs and snatches the mic from Heyman. Jimmy says Cena isn’t here because he’s scared of him. They are going to put Cena in the hospital like they did AJ Styles. Karl Anderson hops the barricade and attacks Sikoa and Jimmy, clearing the ring. Anderson says he wants one of them in the ring now. Heyman holds Sikoa back. Sikoa tells Jimmy to handle this, or he will.

Jimmy Uso vs. Karl Anderson

Anderson works over Jimmy. Jimmy cheap shots Anderson. Superkick by Jimmy. Jimmy lands the Uso Splash for the win.

Winner- Jimmy Uso

After the match, Anderson attacks Jimmy. Sikoa hits the ring and drops Anderson with a Samoan Spike.

Backstage, Santos Escobar says it’s his dream to face Rey Mysterio for a championship. He’s going to give Mysterio all he has tonight.

The Grayson Waller Effect

Waller introduces his guest tonight, Bobby Lashley. Waller asks Lashley what happened last week with the Street Profits. Lashley says he made a mistake. He’s going back to the drawing board. Waller suggests that Lashley should look at Austin Theory and him. Lashley says he knows all about Grayson Waller, and he’ll pass. The Street Profits’ music hits. Ford and Dawkins walk to the ring, still dressed in suits.

No cups, no smiles. Dawkins tries to speak. Lashley tells them he isn’t interested in excuses. If they want it, they need to prove it. Lashley starts to leave. Dawkins and Ford follow up the ramp and stop Lashley. Lashley repeats himself and walks away. Austin Theory makes his entrance as Lashley is leaving. Lashley and Theory stare daggers through each other.

Austin Theory w/Grayson Waller vs. Cameron Grimes

Dragon Lee is in the crowd to watch this match. Grimes is all over Theory, landing a flurry of strikes and getting a quick near fall. Theory and Grimes trade strikes. Grimes catches Theory with a boot. Crossbody off the top by Grimes. Theory kicks out. Backflip deadlift German suplex by Grimes. Theory kicks out. Grimes sends Theory out of the ring. Grimes lands a PK on the apron. Waller distracts Grimes. Theory launches Grimes into the ring post. Theory sends Grimes back into the ring and lands a rolling dropkick. A-Town Down by Theory. Theory pins Grimes.

Winner- Austin Theory

United States Championship Match: Rey Mysterio (c) vs. Santos Escobar

Zelina Vega comes down to ringside to cheer for her stablemates. Mysterio and Escobar trade submission holds and pin attempts. Mysterio rolls out of a body scissors. Escobar charges in. Mysterio tries a head scissors, but Escobar sends Mysterio out to the apron. Enziguri by Escobar. Escobar lands a dive. After the break, Mysterio tries to fire up but eats a dropkick from Escobar. Mysterio sends Escobar out of the ring. Springboard dive by Mysterio. We cut to backstage, and Jimmy Uso and Sikoa randomly attack people backstage.

Michael Cole announces John Cena will arrive soon. Back in the ring, Mysterio walks into a nasty superkick by Escboar. Mysterio is sent flying out of the ring. Escobar hits his patented tope Suicida. Vega looks concerned. Escobar lands a moonsault off the barricade. Corner Meteroa by Escboar. Escobar does it again. Escobar sits Mysterio on the top rope. Mysterio knocks Escobar off. Escobar kicks Mysterio in the head. Top rope rana by Escobar.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (9/22/23)

After the break, Escobar traps Mysterio in the Gory Special. Mysterio escapes. Escobar misses a springboard crossbody. Mysterio misses a springboard crossbody. Torture rack backbreaker by Escobar. Kick out by Mysterio. Mysterio counters Escobar’s counter with a roll up for a near fall. Mysterio lands an inverted rana off the top. Escobar blocks the 619, only to be sent back into the ropes for a 619. Escobar avoids Mysterio’s splash off the top. After trading pin attempts, Mysterio counters a Phantom Driver into a rolls up for the win.

Winner and STILL United States Champion, Rey Mysterio!

Mysterio and Escobar are about to shake hands, but the Street Profits hit the ring and beat the crap out of both of them. Bobby Lashley walks down the ramp, clapping. The rest of the LWO hits the ring, only to be taken out by Lashley and the Street Profits. Security is in the crowd, holding Dragon Lee back as he tries to hop the barricade to help his mentor.

John Cena arrives at the arena.

Bayley w/Damage CTRL vs. Charlotte Flair

Before the match starts, Flair grabs a mic and tells Bayley she’s a shell of herself. Bayley is one of the Four Horsewomen, but she is an afterthought now. Flair says she will run through Bayley and challenge Iyo Sky for the WWE Women’s Championship at WWE Fastlane. After the break, Flair is working Bayley over with chop after chop. Fallaway Slam by Flair. Flair blasts Bayley with a front flip lariat.

Bayley stuns Flair on the top rope. Bayley tries a sunset flip. Flair puts on the brakes and drops a knee on Bayley’s leg. Queen’s boot by Flair. Bayley kicks out. Bayley sends Flair into the corner with a sunset flip bomb. Flair kicks out. Bayley lays in a few strikes. Flair lights Bayley up with a few chops. Flair hits the ropes and almost cuts Bayley in half with a spear for the win.

Winner- Charlotte Flair

After the match, Bayley says Flair can’t just cut the line and demand a title match. Bayley promised to end Flair tonight, so that’s what they will do. Damage CTRL surrounds the ring. Flair readies for a fight. Asuka runs down to the ring and stands with Flair. Asuka cuts a promo in Japanese. Bayley says if Asuka wants a triple-threat match at WWE Fastlane with Charollote and Sky for Sky’s championship, she’s got it! Sky is flabbergasted. Bayley is very pleased with herself. Sky says that’s not what Asuka said. Bayley says yes, it was.

In-Ring Segment: John Cena

Cena says the Bloodline left him with a gift. He has this contract, but he has a problem. He doesn’t have a partner. Cena came back here for a match, but this is less than ideal. He could rip up this contract and act like it never happened, or he can stand and fight. Cena is here to say he will honor this contract. If he can’t find a partner, he’ll fight the Bloodline himself in a handicap match. Heyman, Jimmy Uso, and Sikoa walk down the ramp. Jimmy laughs and says they just showed what will happen if anyone tries to partner with him. Cena isn’t making it to WWE Fastlane. Cena knocks Jimmy off the apron.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (9/22/23)

Sikoa and Cena face off. Cena avoids a Samoan Spike and almost hits the AA. Jimmy breaks it up with a superkick. Sikoa and Jimmy take turns crushing Cena with hip attack after hip attack in the corner. Jimmy and Sikoa set up a Cena on the commentary desk. Sikoa tells Jimmy he wants to do it. Sikoa goes up top. LA Knight’s music hits. Knight hits the ring and makes the save. After clearing the ring, Knight signs the contract and hands it to Cena.

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