frankie kazarian
Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling

Frankie Kazarian On Ultimate X: That Match Will Always Have A Special Place In My Heart

Frankie Kazarian tried to pitch having an Ultimate X match at Multiverse United 2.

IMPACT Wrestling‘s Frankie Kazarian recently sat down with Dominic DeAngelo of Ad Free Shows. When asked about the 20-year anniversary of the Ultimate X match falling on the day of Multiverse United 2, Kazarian admitted it was something he pitched to management a few months back.

“So a couple months ago, I knew the 20-year anniversary was coming up,” Frankie Kazarian admitted. “And so I looked into when the actual date was, and it was August 20. Then I was doing my schedule, and I saw, oh, that’s Multiverse United in Philly.

“And I was like, I know it’s not just an IMPACT show. But yeah, so I did go up to a couple creative minds in IMPACT. I went up to Scott himself and just said, ‘Not for nothing, I don’t know if I want to do a whole lot, but maybe I got one more Ultimate X match in me. But I can’t think of a better day to make me do one on August 20. Twenty years to the day.’

“And they were kind of like, ‘Wow, that’s a real good idea.’ It was all kind of tongue in cheek; maybe if this were an IMPACT standalone show, that might have been something that was feasible. Even sometimes, Ultimate X matches only work in certain buildings. I don’t know the logistics of that. But yeah, it certainly would have made sense, but alas, that’s not happening.

Frankie Kazarian puts over the recent Ultimate X Match at Slammiversary

“But yeah, that match will always have a special place in my heart. I think that’s one of the quote-unquote gimmick matches that has withstood the test of time, especially a newer one. That’s a uniquely original concept that IMPACT Wrestling has that nobody else has. And I was part of a lot of them, and I was part of the very first one. So I’m kind of always going to be tethered to that match. When you talk about my career, that’s kind of always in the backdrop, and I’m extremely proud of that.”

Kazarian put over the Ultimate X match that just took place at Slammiversary and compliments IMPACT for not doing too many of them in recent years.

“The one they did at Slammiversary, those guys, that was an incredible match,” Frankie Kazarian said. “I think my only criticism is early on; we started doing too many of them. And that kind of takes the allure away. But in the last several years, they’ve been very good about making that match mean something and making it special because it should be.”

READ MORE: Frankie Kazarian Reflects On 20-Year Anniversary Of His IMPACT Wrestling Debut

What do you make of Frankie Kazarian’s comments? Are you disappointed that IMPACT isn’t running an Ultimate X on the 20-year anniversary of the match? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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