young bucks
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

The Young Bucks Believe Not Being On Social Media Has Improved Their Mental Health

The Young Bucks have found peace of mind away from the world of social media.

All Elite Wrestling‘s Matt and Nick Jackson were recent guests on the Swerve City Podcast. When asked about advising younger wrestlers, Matt made it clear that the advice he likes to offer might have worked for them but might not work for someone else.

“Whenever I’m talking to a wrestler about a match because the wrestler will approach me and say, ‘Hey, can you please watch our match?’ I go, of course. And I’ll watch, and they’ll go, ‘Any notes? Anything?’ And I always like to start with, ‘Listen, whenever I say this isn’t necessarily true. It worked for me,'” Matt Jackson said. “Wrestling is this weird art form where it’s sometimes if I tell you what to do, you might go out there, and it might not work.

Matt Jackson is careful with how he offers advice to younger wrestlers

“So I’m never gonna say this is the way you do it. Like again, you have a choice. This is what worked for me and my brother and helped me become successful in wrestling. It might fail for you, but hey, here it is. And I give it to them. I lay it out like that because so many people came up to me and said, ‘You’re doing it wrong. This is how you do it.’ And that’s not how you teach people. So I’ll never listen to anybody who says this is the way to do this thing. Like no, no, no, this ain’t basketball, right? Where I have to put the ball through a hoop, and that’s the goal, right?”

While discussing the evolution of social media, something The Young Bucks were on the frontline of several years ago, the brothers admit that’s not something they’re involved with anymore.

“We kind of led the charge on that whole culture to the point now where I almost can’t stand it,” Matt Jackson admitted. “Where I’m almost like, just get a life, get offline. Yeah, I want to tell the younger wrestlers: get offline, man. It’s too much. Like nobody wants to hear everything, shut up.”

“I haven’t been on Twitter in almost three years, and my mental health is so much better,” Nick Jackson said. “So much better. I used to just look at every comment and go why does this guy hate me? Why does he think I suck? And then at the point where I was like, why do I care about what a stranger thinks of my wrestling style? I don’t care.”

“I don’t read a thing anymore; I can’t” Matt Jackson added. “It’s too damaging to your mental health. I just live in peace now, I live away from it. I live in a whole different world where now I don’t know what’s going on.”

The Young Bucks don’t read what you say on social media

Nick later pondered if their lack of reading things on social media has helped them reinvent themselves more and wishes more younger wrestlers wouldn’t focus on it so much.

“Maybe that’s what helps us reinvent ourselves is not looking at people’s opinions,” Nick Jackson said. “I feel bad for some of the wrestlers, they’ll have their match and instantly go through the go position, get on their phone, and they’re checking comments. I’m like, did you not just hear 10,000 people? Was that not enough? The 1,000 that are tweeting about you. They hate you no matter what. So don’t do this.”

READ MORE: The Young Bucks Reportedly Sign Largest Contract For A Tag Team In Wrestling History

What do you make of Matt and Nick’s comments? Do you think they have the right frame of mind regarding social media? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

If you use any of these quotes, please credit Swerve City with a link to this article for the transcription.


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