sgt slaughter lacey evans
Photo Credit: WWE

Sgt. Slaughter: Lacey Evans Should Act Like A Drill Instructor Instead Of Selling Sex 

Sgt. Slaughter isn’t a fan of Lacey Evans “ripping off” his gimmick but he believes there is a better way to make it work.

Bill Apter of Sportskeeda spoke with Sgt. Slaughter, who has been vocal about his issues with Lacey Evans’ new gimmick. Evans returned to SmackDown wearing camouflage-print gear and a drill instructor’s hat, and she started using the Cobra Clutch submission.

Evans, a former United States Marine, was criticized by Slaughter, who said Evans was shamelessly ripping him off. Slaughter previously told Apter that he watched SmackDown less because Evans was on the show.

Now, he says there should be some concessions if Evans wants to represent the military on TV. Slaughter says WWE should go all the way and make her a world champion, but she should also clean up her appearance.

Act Like One

“I kinda just dropped it. I didn’t watch it [SmackDown] any further. My daughter kinda got a little upset that now she’s coming out with the campaign cover [hat] on,” Sgt. Slaughter explained. “She’s got a big cobra on the front of it. She’s got her outfit on and showing a lot of cleavage.

“To me, that’s selling sex. That’s not selling that you’re a tough S.O.B. from the Marine Corps. She should have a t-shirt on and have the combat boots on and have those fatigues on. If you wanna emulate Sgt. Slaughter and you’re from the Marine Corps and you’re a drill instructor, act like one. Be one.”

“They got plenty other ladies out there that are the sex symbols,” Slaughter continued. “Lacey’s a beautiful woman and I like Lacey a lot. I got to know her briefly and I always admired her. And I respect her because she did serve in the Marine Corps. I just wish that they would have allowed me to get involved a little bit more.”

Slaughter says WWE came to him with an offer for a new role, but he turned it down because he’d be taking a pay cut. Slaughter is open to coming back for the right deal and believes WWE is still the top company, but the money they offered was a “slap in the face.”