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IMPACT Wrestling Results – June 15, 2023

IMPACT Wrestling Results – June 15, 2023

Welcome to WrestleZone’s live coverage of IMPACT Wrestling!

The show kicks off with a video recapping how Alex Shelley beat Steve Maclin for the World title at Against All Odds.

Motor City Machine Guns speak

The Motor City Machine Guns both make their way out with their new gold. Sabin says it felt like he dreamt waking up after AAO and they both had gold, but not just tag gold. Sabin became a nine-time X-Division Champ, and Shelley won his first world title. Shelley says he ugly cried because winning the title finally made him feel like he was good enough. Shelley names Okada, Jay White, Young Bucks, Trey Miguel, Kushida, and Seth Rollins as people who had their turn. Sabin declares this is the Machine Gun era of Impact.

Nick Aldis makes his way down while smiling. He apologizes for interrupting but has something he wants to get off his chest. He called his shot, Shelley called his, and everyone was there to congratulate him, including Aldis. He credits Shelley for pulling him up back in the day, which launched him into his own world title reign. Now Aldis plans on winning the title at Slammiversary. Trey Miguel comes out and says he’s gassy from all the smoke they keep blowing up each other. Trey says they forgot about him when talking about the Impact Mount Rushmore. Sabin tells him to shut up and says he has to earn respect. 

Kenny King, flanked by Sheldon Jean, is out next and calls Sabin a jerk for discrediting Trey. Sabin challenges them to 3-on-3. Gisele Shaw’s music hits next as Shaw, Evans, and Vidal come down. Shaw says what Kenny said really rings true — the spotlight should be hers, but instead it’s Trinity’s… just like what happened with Aldis and the Guns. Shaw asks Shelley if he deserves all of this. Alex says “yup.” He says there was no carpet for them and have been here for decades. He says it sounds like her problem is with Trinity.

Trinity comes out next. She says she’s here for Shelley’s class and wants to see Shaw get schooled. Vidal gets in face and Trinity threatens to punch him in the face again. Deonna Purrazzo comes out and announces she has surpassed 500 days as cumulative champion. She wants to be involved if people are talking about getting knocked out. Trinity reminds Deonna that she’s only champ until Slammiversary. Aldis chimes in with a similar statement. Santino Marella interrupts and books a 5 on 5 main event for tonight.

Backstage, Steve Maclin says it took him two years to reach the world title and now Scott D’Amore got his way. Maclin gets angry and walks off.

Deaner talks to Angels and Kon backstage, which sparks an argument from Angels. Angels and Deaner blame each other for the AAO loss, and Kon interrupts. He says this is what Sami wanted. He says they should let Impact know this is their territory.

Moose vs. Rich Swann

It doesn’t take long for the action to spill out of the ring where Moose slams Swann onto the apron and then swings him around into the barricade. Back in the ring, Moose catches Swann with a chokeslam and tries for a cover. Moose drives Swann into the apron and delivers a chop against the post. On the next chop, Swann ducks and Moose hits the post. Swann stomps on Moose’s hand to gain space. Swann throws hands but then Moose knees him. Swann hits a spin kick and lands a DDT. Swann goes up top and punches Moose off but then Moose charges back and lands a superplex.

After the break, Swann is throwing punches again and then chops Moose down to a knee for a roll up. Swann tries another roll up but Moose fires back with a pump kick. Swann catches Moose with a cutter out of the corner and then hits a springboard cutter for a nearfall. Moose plants Swann for a nearfall of his own. Moose gets in the ref’s face while Swann recovers. Moose charges but Swann catches him with a rollup for the three.

Winner: Rich Swann

We look at BTI where Singh and Shera won a tag match before getting attacked by Heath. Backstage, Heath says his journey in Impact has been nothing but a roller coaster ride. He recalls getting signed, then getting injured, then returning to find his friend stuck in a cult and then injured. Now that Rhino’s hurt again, Heath has to figure out what’s next for him. He’s about to give everyone wake up call.

Moose is walking backstage and runs into Myers who suggests they team up.

Bully Ray speaks

Bully starts by calling himself a victim of Scott D’Amore and poor management. Bully says he wanted to be the people’s next world champion, but Scott took that away from everyone. He has a copy of the letter that he sent to Anthem higher ups demanding justice. Bully demands answers.

Scott D’Amore comes down and calls him a lying, stooging b****. Bully reiterates his letter’s contents. Scott says he went before the Anthem board and heard his ridiculous complaint that he crossed the line at AAO. Scott reveals he was informed that he should take a leave of absence following his actions. Bully says that’s music to his ears because his bosses screwed him. Bully tells Scott to leave. Scott says he agrees with the board’s decision and proceeds to beat up Bully. 

Steve Maclin runs in and beats D’Amore down. Bully kicks D’Amore in the gut before Maclin kicks him again. Maclin rolls out and grabs chairs. Bully chokes Scott and Maclin raises his chair as the lights go out. PCO appears in the ring but Maclin goes right after him with chair shots. PCO levels Bully and Maclin before Scott dropkicks Maclin out of the ring. Scott announces he made one more match official — Bully & Maclin vs. PCO & D’Amore at Slammiversary.

Backstage, Maclin rants about how PCO won’t stay down. Bully says he’s just a man. They overhear Frankie Kazarian talking down the hall. They get into it as Frankie reminds Bully not to mess with management. Eddie Edwards walks up and intervenes. After Maclin and Bully walk away, Eddie appears to make amends with Frankie.

Decay vs. ABC

Steve and Bey lock up to start. After back and forth, Taurus comes in and slams Bey onto Ace. Steve eats a kick to the face from Ace. Bey comes back in and boots Taurus out of the corner but it actually brings Taurus in for a moment. The ref ejects him out of the ring as Steve bites both Ace and Bey. He goes for a jump off the top but eats kicks from ABC. Taurus is tossed to the outside as Bey hits him with a moonsault. Bey hits the cutter and Ace hits The Fold for the win.

Winners: ABC

Backstage, Sabin and Shelley congratulate ABC and they return the respect with a handshake.

Gia Miller interviews Bhupinder Gujjar. His Diary episode airs next week and we see a preview. She asks Gujjar to speak on it as Dirty Dango walks up. He wonders why anyone would want to watch a documentary on Gujjar who just sits in the locker room. Dango suggests they should make a documentary on his business outside of the ring. Gujjar calls Dango a bitter bleep. 

Maclin will get his rematch against Shelley in Australia. Purrazzo vs. Shaw in a title match is also confirmed for their Down Under tour. 

Set for next week:

  • OVE vs. Myers & Good Hands
  • The Design vs. Gresham & Bailey
  • Taylor Wilde vs. Killer Kelly
  • Bully & Maclin vs. Kazarian & Edwards

Motor City Machine Guns, Deonna Purrazzo, Trinity & Nick Aldis vs. Trey Miguel, Kenny King, Sheldon Jean, Gisele Shaw & Savannah Evans

Deonna and Shaw start the bout and attempt covers on each other. Shaw takes control until Trinity tags in and throws hands. Evans comes in and bodyslams Trinity. Trinity escapes a legdrop and hits one of her own for a cover. Deonna comes in to help Trinity suplex Evans, cover. Deonna and Trinity lock in their submissions on Evans and Shaw, respectively. Sheldon Jean helps pull them out to break it up.

After the break, King and Aldis are legal as King throws punches in the corner. Aldis twists the arm and tags Sabin. King tags out to Trey. They run around each other for a beat as Sabin maintains control with a backbreaker and cover. Jean comes in and tries to keep Sabin grounded. King returns with a snap suplex and punches. Sabin rolls out and all the heels stomp on him while the ref is distracted. Sabin crawls back in as King keeps stomping on him before applying an upper body stretch. Trey does an arm breaker and tries covering. King returns and continues picking Sabin apart.

Sabin manages to nail a tornado DDT on King to get some space. Shelley and Trey get tags as Shelley chops away. Shelley elbows Vidal in the process and then kicks King at ringside. Trey cuts Shelley off with an uppercut but Shelley counters with an atomic drop from the top. Shelley applies the stretch until Evans breaks it up. Deonna levels her, but Shaw superkicks. Trinity kicks Shaw out and Vidal clobbers Trinity when the ref isn’t looking. Aldis throws Vidal out, allowing Trey to hit a superkick and neckbreaker. The action breaks down further until Shelley gets double teamed by King and Jean for a moment. King accidentally kicks Jean, allowing Aldis and Shelley to clear them out. Shelley hits Jean with Shell Shock for the win.

Winners: Motor City Machine Guns, Deonna Purrazzo, Trinity & Nick Aldis

After the bout, Aldis strikes Shelley with the world title to send a message. Sabin chases Aldis out. Aldis shouts from the ramp as the show ends.

RELATED: Alex Shelley On Winning First IMPACT World Title: ‘It Really Hasn’t Sunk In’

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