NWA Crockett Cup 2023 Night 1 Results (6/3/23): Hardcore Team War Match, More
Image Credit: National Wrestling Association

NWA Crockett Cup Night 2 Results (6/4): Tournament Finals, Kamille In Action

The National Wrestling Alliance continued NWA Crockett Cup with the second and final night on June 4.

The event featured multiple title matches and the finals of the Crockett Cup tag team tournament.

The results are as follows:


Gauntlet Match for the NWA United States Tag Team Championship

The Country Gentlemen (A.J. Cazana & Anthony Andrews (c) def. SVGS (Bulletproof Troop & Jax Dane) def. Toxin & Arez, TNT (Terrence & Terrell Hughes), Daisy Kill & Talos def. Magnum Muscle (Dak Draper & Mims), The Now (Vik Dalishus & Hale Collins) and The Fixers (Wrecking Ball Legursky & Jay Bradley)

“Thrillbilly” Silas Mason (with Alex Taylor) def. Dan Maff

NWA World Women’s Tag Team Championship: M95 (Missa Kate & Ella Envy) (c) def. Angelina Love & Max The Impaler

Kyle Davis interviews the Midnight Riders (Tyrus and Chris Adonis), who preview their path ahead on the second night of the tournament. Tyrus says they’d be the best tag team in the universe if they won the tournament. They make it clear that they intend to win the Crockett Cup, as Adonis vows to win the tournament.

NWA World Women’s Television Championship: Ruthie Jay def. Kenzie Paige (c) via disqualification, as Kylee Paige attacked Jay.

Main Show

Crockett Cup Quarterfinal: The Brothers of Funstruction (Yabo & Ruffo the Clown) vs. Myzteziz Jr. &Β OctagonΒ Jr

Yabo tries to stab with a Myzteziz sword. Myzteziz takes him with a headscissors. Octagon hits a crossbody and sends Ruffo to the outside. Octagon and Myzteziz dive onto the clowns at ringside. Yabo and Ruffo take control and ground Myzteziz. The clowns double-team Octagon, who fires back with a corkscrew dive. Octagon drops Yabo with a cutter. He hits the 450 Splash for the win.

Winners: Myzteziz Jr. &Β OctagonΒ Jr

Crockett Cup Quarterfinal: Trevor Murdoch & Mike Knox vs. The Mortons (Ricky Morton & Kerry Morton)

Ricky Morton hits Murdoch below the belt right away to gain an early advantage. Kerry tags in and takes the fight to Murdoch. The Mortons gang up on Murdoch and isolate him from Knox. Murdoch rallies with a spinebuster and tags Knox, who comes in and clears house with a flurry of offense. Murdoch slams Kerry, and Knox drills him with a lariat while Murdoch goes low with a chop block for the win.

Winners: Trevor Murdoch & Mike Knox

NWA Crockett Cup Quarterfinal: Midnight Riders (Tyrus & Chris Adonis) vs. The Immortals (Odinson & Kratos)

The two teams square off, and the match is a stalemate early on. Tyrus and Kratos trade blows. Adonis tags in and gains the upper hand as he targets Kratos’ arm. Tyrus’ knee buckles, and Kratos slams him. Odinson tags in and hones in on the knee, as The Immortals take control. Tyrus fires back with a slam and tags Adonis, who flips the momentum in his team’s favor with a flurry of offense. Adonis catches Odinson in the Master Lock and makes him tpa out.

Winners: Tyrus and Chris Adonis

Tyrus is seemingly hurt after the match, as he can barely get back in the ring. He says he’ll fight with one leg or no legs, as the Midnight Riders will keep going on their mission to win the tournament.

Legendary referee Tommy Young comes to the ring for an interview.

NWA Crockett Cup Quarterfinal: Blunt Force Trauma (Damage & Carnage) (with Aron Stevens) vs. La Rebelion (Mecha Wolf & Bestia 666) (with Vampiro)

Blunt Force Trauma brawls with La Rebelion at ringside. Damage and Carnage Control the action, but Bestia rallies. Carnage stops Bestia from tagging out. Bestia perseveres and tags Mecha Wolf. He takes control by diving onto Blunt Force Trauma. La Rebelion gains the upper hand with a double-team hurricanrana. Blunt Force Trauma hits the Eliminator for the win.

Winners: Blunt Force Trauma

NWA National Heavyweight Championship: EC3 (c) vs. TBA

EC3 chooses NWA World Television Champion Thom Latimer as his opponent. A crossbody sends Latimer to the outside. They brawl outside of the ring. Latimer takes control and targets EC3’s arm. The challenger hits a dining axe-hammer off the top rope. EC3 fires back with a German suplex. EC3 hits the Psycho Boy and gains more momentum. The champion continues to control the action. EC3 grounds Latimer, but he rallies and slams EC3 to the mat. They keep battling, and both men spill to the outside. EC3 grabs the title and swings, but Latimer slams him on the apron. The referee takes the title from EC3, who kicks the rope between Latimer’s legs and slams him for the win.

Winner and still NWA National Heavyweight Champion: EC3

Six-Man Scramble for NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship Match: Flip Gordon vs. Joe Alonzo vs. Eric Jackson vs. PJ Haxx vs. Gaagz the Gymp vs. Jarron Fulton

The six-man match becomes a seven-man bout, as Colby Corino is introduced as a late addition to the match. The match quickly breaks down into chaos. Gordon gains early momentum with a slingblade on Eric Jackson. Hawx slams Gaagz and takes control. Jackson dumps PJ with a suplex. Alonzo gets a two-count with a cutter. Corino takes control. Gordon hits a double blockbuster. Alonzo gets taken out and hits his head on the stairs. Jackson dives onto Corino. Alonzo dives onto a group of competitors. Flip knocks PJ to the outside with a kick. Gaagz takes don Gordon. Father James Mitchell and Judais come down and enter the ring. Judais throws Gaagz over the topes and onto everyone at ringside.

Judais carries Gaagz to the back. Jackson slams Jarrn Fulton. Corino and Gordon are left alone in the ring, and they trade blows. Both men are down after a Spanish Fly. Corino hits Gordon with a flurry of offense and pins him with a DDT.

Winner: Colby Corino

NWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion Kerry Morton comes down and confronts Corino.

NWA Crockett Cup Semifinals: Blunt Force Trauma (Damage & Carnage) (with Aron Stevens) vs. Myzteziz Jr. &Β OctagonΒ Jr

Blunt Force Trauma gains an early advantage by attacking their opponents. They overpower the duo for most of the bout. Myzteziz and Octgaon Jr. briefly rally, but Blunt Force Trauma scores the decisive victory.

Winners: Blunt Force Trauma (Damage & Carnage)

Stevens hypes up Blunt Force Trauma after the match. He says they’re the most dangerous tag team in NWA history, and they will win the Crockett Cup.

NWA Crockett Cup Semifinals: Midnight Riders (Tyrus & Chris Adonis) vs. Trevor Murdoch & Mike Knox

Adonis and Knox square off early on. Adonis traps Knox in the Master Lock, but he backs up into his corner and tags Murdoch. Tyrus comes in and drops Murdoch, but his leg is clearly bothering him. Murdoch grounds Tyrus and targets the leg. Knox and Murdoch isolate Tyrus and hone in on his wounded leg. They continue to control the action, and they double suplex Tyrus. Adonis tags in and clears house. He traps Knox in the Master Lick. Murdoch comes in, and Adonis puts him in the Master Lock too. Knox drops Adonis, and both men are down. Knox squashes Adonis with a splash in the corner. Murdoch and Knox hit the high-low on Adonis for the win.

Winners: Trevor Murdoch and Mike Knox

Murdoch comments on their win after the match and says they’re coming for the win.

Cyon (with Austin Idol) vs. Masked Man

Cyon slams the Masked Man three times. He gets an early two-count and controls the action. Cyon drops the Masked Man with a suplex. The mystery man slams Cyon into a table at ringside. Back in the rung, the Masked Man slams Cyon into a trash can and stomps him in the corner. The masked men trade blows. The Masked Man rips Cyon’s mask. He continues to control the action and rips the mask some more. Austin Idol turns in Cyon and hits him with some brass knuckles. Jordan Clearwater comes down, and Idol hits him too. The referee calls for the bell, as Cyon can’t continue. The masked man drags Clearwater into the ring. Idol spits on Cyon and Clearwater.

Winner: No Contest

Backstage, Pollo Del Mar is asked about what happened with “Thrillbilly” Silas Mason. Pollo says she’s not medically cleared to be there. She explains that Silas has been distracted by his chase of the title, but everything is fine between them.

NWA World Women’s Championship: Kamille (c) vs. Natalia Markova

Kamille kicks Markova to the outside while she poses. The champion takes an early advantage. Markova goes crashing to the outside and lands hard on the floor. Kamille slams Markova onto the steel steps. She sends Markova into the steel barricade with a pump kick. Markova dodges a charging Kamille, so the champion crashes into the barricade. Both women get back in the ring, and the match is a stalemate. Markova drops Kamille with a neckbreaker. Markova takes control with a flurry of offense and hits a facebuster for a two-count. Kamile fires up and puts Markova in the torture wrack before she slams her for a two-count. Kamille gets another two count with a German suplex.

The champion slams Markova for another two-count. Markova counters a Spear and drops Kamille for a two-count. Kamille finally hits the Spear for the win.

Winner and still NWA Women’s World Champion: Kamille

David Crockett and Billy Corgan come out before the main event.

Crockett Cup Finals: Blunt Force Trauma (Famage & Carnage) (with Aron Stevens) vs. Trevor Murdoch & Mike Knox

The match is a stalemate early on. Knox takes control, but Stevens trips him up. Blunt Force Trauma isolates Knox and keeps him grounded. Murdoch gets the tag and comes into the match with a flurry of offense, but a Spear takes him down. Murdoch gets a two-count with a DDT. Knox and Damage brawl at ringside. Murdoch accidentally takes out the referee. He hits a piledriver on Carnage, but there’s no referee to count the pin. Stevens comes in and punches Murdoch. Murdoch kicks out once the referee makes the count. Murdoch and Knox hit the high-low for the win.

Winners: Trevor Murdoch & Mike Knox

Knox and Murdoch celebrate with the Crockett Cup trophy.