AEW Double or Nothing
Image Credit: AEW

AEW Double Or Nothing Results (5/28/23): World Title Match, Anarchy In The Arena, More

AEW World Tag Team Championship: FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) vs. Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal (with Sonjay Dutt, Satnam Singh, and Karen Jarrett) – Special Referee: Mark Briscoe

Harwood and Lethal feel each other out. They trade chops. Lethal sends Dax to the outside. Jarrett enters the ring, but Wheeler and Harwood fight them off. The match resets as Lethal and Harwood are left alone. Lethal gains the upper hand. Mark gets involved and gets physical with Jarrett as he tries to maintain order. Lethal gets sent to the outside, and FTR is firmly in control. The two teams brawl at ringside. Briscoe stops Jarrett from using a chair. Lethal takes control double-teams Cash with Jarrett. Karen Jarrett gets involved and helps the challengers maintain the advantage as they continue to isolate Cash.

Lethal drops Cash with a neckbreaker. Wheeler rallies, but Jarrett takes him down and locks in the Figure-Four. Harwood breaks it up and tags in. He suplexes Lethal and gets a two-count with a brainbuster. Harwood superplexes Lethal. Sonjay Dutt tries to interfere, but Mark Briscoe ejects him from ringside. He also ejects Satnam Singh. Jeff Jarrett swings a guitar, but Harwood gets out of the way, so Jarrett hits Mark Briscoe. FTR hits the Shatter Machine on Lethal. Dutt stops Aubrey Edwards from entering the ring, and Karen Jarrett hits her with a guitar. Lethal drops Harwood with a Lethal Injection. Karen hands Lethal and Jeff the titles. Jeff hits Harwood with a title and floors him with the Stroke. Mark Briscoe counts the pin for a near fall. Jeff slaps Briscoe, who slaps him right back, and FTR hits the Shatter Machine for the win.

Winners and still AEW World Tag Team Champions: FTR

Jay White and Juice Robinson attack Ricky Starks backstage. FTR gets involved and helps break it up.

Backstage, Chris Jericho and Saraya cut a promo on Adam Cole and Britt Baker and make it clear that they want to face them in a match.

Ladder Match for TNT Championship: Wardlow (with Arn Anderson) vs. Christian Cage (with Luchasaurus)

Wardlow and Cage square off and battle it out early on. Cage dropkicks a ladder into Wardlow. The champion sets up two tables at ringside. He lays Cage out on the tables, but Cage gets away before Wardlow can do anything. Cage hits Wardlow with a ladder. The veteran trips Wardlow up and crotches him on a ladder that was bridged between the barricade and the ring apron. Christian takes control, but Wardlow fires back. Cage slingshots Wardlow face-first into a ladder. He goes to unhook the title, but Wardlow knocks him down. Wardlow takes control again and goes climbs the ladder. Luchasaurus interferes, and Cage drops Wardlow with an inverted DDT off a ladder.

The champion slams Cage onto a ladder. Wardlow goes for a Swanton Bomb, but Cage moves, so he lands hard on a ladder. Cage hits Wardlow with a ladder and knocks him to the outside. Wardlow pulls over a ladder while Cage is on it, sending the veteran crashing to the floor. Luchasaurus chokeslams Wardlow and slams him again. Arn Anderson interferes and bites Luchasaurus’ thumb. Wardlow attacks Luchasaurus and dives onto him with a Swanton Bomb off a ladder and through a table. Wardlow slams Cage again and unhooks the title to win the match.

Winner and still TNT Champion: Wardlow

AEW Women’s World Championship: Jamie Hayter (c) vs. Toni Storm

Hayer’s theme plays, but she doesn’t come out. It plays again, and she crawls out to the stage as she is being attacked by Saraya and Ruby Soho. Saraya, Soho, and Storm gang up on Hayter and target her injured arm.

The referee rings the bell, and Storm gets an early two count. She stomps Hayter’s injured arm. Britt Baker comes down and takes the fight to Saraya. Soho sprays Hayter in the eyes, and Storm hits a hip attack. Hikaru Shida comes down and brawls with Soho. Hayter sends Storm into an exposed turnbuckle. The champion hits the Hayter-ade for a two count, and her injured arm is clearly bothering her. Storm hits the Storm Zero for the win.

Winner and new AEW Women’s World Champion: Toni Storm

Open House Rules match for AEW World Trios Championship: House of Black (Malakai Black, Buddy Matthews, and Brody King) vs. The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens and Max Caster) and Billy Gunn

Black and Bowens start the match. They feel each other out, and they’re evenly matched early on. Black sits down, and Bowens mocks him by sitting down and scissoring. Bowens takes control, and The Acclaimed double-team Matthews. The champions gain the upper hand and isolate Caster. The Acclaimed rallies and goes for the Scissor Me Timbers, but Black counters it into a knee-bar. Matthews takes the fight to Caster at ringside. King slams Gunn into the stairs. Bowens fires up, but Black locks in a knee-bar again. Matthews hits a Meteora. Black stops Bowens from tagging out,, and the champions continue to target his knee.

House of Black continues to maintain the advantage. Bowens rallies by sending Matthews to the outside. Gunn tags in and clears house, as he takes the fight to Matthews and Black. Malakai hits the Black Mass on Gunn for the win.

Winners and still AEW World Trios Champions: House of Black (Buddy Matthews, Malakai Black, and Brody King)

TBS Championship: Jade Cargill (c) (with Mark Sterling and Leila Grey) vs. Taya Valkyrie

Big Boss Vette raps Cargill to the ring. Valkyrie gains an early advantage. She attacks Sterling at ringside. Cargill rocks Valkyrie with a pump kick. Valkyrie hits a sliding suplex. Cargill suplexes Valkyrie on the floor. The champion continues to control the action. Valkyrie powers her way out of a sleeper hold with a blue thunder bomb. The challenger gets her knees up when Cargill dives at her. Valkyrie stomps Cargill and gets a two-count. A Spear gives Valkyrie more momentum. She hits the Road to Valhalla for a near fall. Cargill kicks Valkyrie and hits the Jaded for the win.

Winner and still TBS Champion: Jade Cargill

After the match, Mark Sterling hypes up Cargill’s 60th win and says there’s nobody left for her to face. Cargill is confronted by the returning Kris Statlander. They face off in an impromptu match.

TBS Championship: Jade Cargill (c) vs. Kris Statlander

Statlander takes the fight to Cargill, and she controls the action. Cargill tries to fight back and goes for the Jaded. Statlander counters and slams Cargill before she pins her to win the title.

Winner and new TBS Champion: Kris Statlander

AEW World Championship: MJF (c) vs. Darby Allin vs. Sammy Guevara vs. “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry

During his entrance, Guevara, alongside Tay Melo, out some cue cards to announce that Melo is pregnant. Allin makes a special entrance with a cinematic video, and he’s dressed like Elvis. MJF descends from the ceiling sitting in a throne, and he’s wearing the same mask he had at AEW All Out 2022. The bell rings, and the three challengers gang up on MJF. Allin, Guevara, and Pery are left by themselves, and they trade fast-paced offense. Perry sends Allin and Guevara to the outside with a double arm drag. MJF comes in and drops Perry. MJF taunts the crowd. Allin hits him with a dropkick and dives onto him. Perry dives onto Allin. Perry, Allin, and MJF are down. Guevara dives onto all three men.

Back in the ring, Perry suplexes Guevara and Allin into MJF. Perry gets a two-count with a Poison-rana. Allin gets a two-count with a stunner and a headlock takeover. Guevara fires up with a flurry of offense and hits a frog splash for a two-count. MJF takes control with a flurry of offense and powerbombs Guevara. he gets a two-count on Allin with a headlock takeover. He slams Allin to the mat for a two-count. MJF talks trash and calls Guevara an idiot. Perry hits the Killswitch. MJF hits the Crossrhodes for a two count. MJF gets a microphone and tries to get Guevara to lay down for him for the money, and Guevara says he’ll do it. Guevara says he will, but he rolls MJF for a two-count. Guevara locks MJF in the Walls of Jericho. Allin traps Allin in the Scorpion Death Lock. All four men wind up in submission holds.

Perry hits a Destroyer. He gets a two-count with a Tiger Driver on Guevara. Allin clotheslines Perry and MJF over the barricade and onto the floor. Guevara hits a Spanish Fly on Allin and onto MJF and Perry at ringside. All three challengers superkick MJF. Guevara hits the Cutter on MJF. Allin hits the Code Red on MJF. The challengers trade pin attempts after MJF leaves the ring. They exchange blows. Perry rolls to the outside after he eats an implant DDT. Allin goes for the Coffin Drop, but MJF crotches him. MJF takes control with a super powerbomb on Allin. Guevara drops Perry with a cutter. MJF hits Guevara below the belt. Allin hits MJF with a skateboard and hits the Coffin Drop. Perry breaks up the pin after a headlock takeover. Allin and Perry slap each other and trade blows until they both fall down. Perry thinks about hitting Allin with the world title, but he decides against it. Guevara hits Perry with the GTH. Allin hits a Cofifn Drop on Perry, but his head lands on the world title. MJF pins Allin with the headlock takeover.

Winner and still AEW World Champion: MJF

After the match, MJF calls himself the best professional wrestler in the world. He says he’s getting bored and wonders when he’s going to get some competition.

Anarchy in the Arena: The Elite (Kenny Omega, The Young Bucks, and Hagman Page) vs. Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta)

The match begins in the crowd as the two teams start brawling right away. Don Callis comes down and joins the commentary team. Moxley dives off the broadcast table and onto Omega. Page and Danielson, who had been fighting in the crowd, make their way back to the ring. Danielson kicks Page. Hangman levels Danielson with a lariat. Page takes his eyepatch off. He takes out a screwdriver, but Yuta attacks him from behind. The BCC gangs up on Page. The Elite takes control, and they hit simultaneous superkicks. All four men dive onto the BCC at ringside. The brawl continues and spills throughout the arena. The Young Bucks kick the lead singer of the band, who had been playing “Wild Thing” the whole time. Omega grounds Moxley, who is busted open, in the ring.

Omega and Moxley battle it out, and they take each other down with clotheslines. Matt Jackson suplexes Yuta on the ramp. Page and Omega double-team Moxley. “Mox” ducks a boot and causes Page to accidentally kick Omega. Claudio and Matt Jackson brawl up into the concessions stand. Moxley suplexes Omega onto a large poker chip that’s covered in barbed wire. Yuta and Danielson whip Page with belts. Danielson hits Nick with a trash can. Moxley gouges Omega with a fork. Claudio swings Matt into a trash can.

Omega slams Moxley onto the barbed-wire-covered poker chip. Yuta hits Page with a chair, and Moxley continues to bloody up Omega. Danielson grinds his hands in a cut on Nick Jackson’s head. Moxley, Danielson, and Yuta gang up on Hangman. Claudio and Matt brawl into the parking lock, and Matt winds up in a pickup truck. Claudio drops Matt with a piledriver in a car. Yuta hits Omea with a leafblower. Page hits Moxley with the Deadeye on the apron. Moxley gets a two-count with a piledriver on Nick. Matt Jackson makes his way to the ring and superkicks Moxley, and his shoe explodes. Page hits the Buckshot Lariat for a two-count.

Matt Jackson’s bare foot gets slammed onto thumbtacks. Moxley gets a two-count with a Death Rider. Danielson drills Omega and Danielson with his running knee strikes. Matt Jackson gets thumbtacks stuffed in his mouth, and Castagnoli hits him with an uppercut. Omega and Page rally. Danielson takes the fight to them. Page hits him with the Deadeye. Omega hits the One-Winged Angel, but Yuta breaks up the pin. Yuta is left with the former world champions. Page goes for the Buckshot Lariat, but Don Callis distracts him. Callis hands Yuta a screwdriver, and he gouges Hangman. Callis enters the ring and distracts Omega. A hooded individual attacks Omega, and it’s revealed to be Konosuke Takeshita.

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta)

Callis chokes Omega with a belt after the bell. Takeshita stands over Omega. Takeshita and the Blackpool Combat Club stand tall.

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