WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results (5/22/23)

WWE Raw Results
May 22, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Backstage, Cody Rhodes arrives at the arena. Brock Lesnar blindsided him and beats him down backstage. Rhodes tries to pull himself up using a the ridges of a garage door. Lesnar picks up what looks like a beer keg and slams it into Rhodes’ arm. Lesnar laughs as Rhodes screams in pain.

In-Ring Segment: Paul Heyman

Heyman immediately says he had nothing to do with what just happened. That was just an example of Rhodes is in for when he tries to slay “The Beast” Brock Lesnar. Heyman plugs the Night of Champions card. Heyman notes there are three main events. While the Usos sit at home and watch, Roman Reigns and Solo Sikoa will win the Undisputed Tag Team Championships. Heyman welcomes the crowd to the last Raw before Night of Champions. Heyman drops the mic, but Kevin Owens’ music hits.

Owens walks on the stage and Sami Zayn joins him. As Owens and Zayn grab mics in the ring, Heyman disappears from the ring. Zayn laughs about Heyman moving faster than he ever has before. Zayn says there is nothing left for him to say because he said everything he needed to Reigns face. Owens has something to say. Owens says Reigns dedicating his victory to the Wild Samoans last week has inspired him. So he’s dedicating THEIR victory at Night of Champions to the true pillars of the Bloodline, The Usos. Zayn notes they have business to handle tonight.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage Here: WWE Raw Results (5/15/23)

They have a six-man tag match tonight against IMPERIUM. IMPERIUM’s music hits and they surround the ring. Matt Riddle runs down to the ring and joins Owens and Zayn in the ring. Gunther, Vinci, and Kaiser walk up the ramp. As Owens, Zayn, and Riddle confer in the ring, Gunther and Co. run back down to the ring for a sneak attack. Zayn and Owens clear out Vinci and Kiaser. Riddle blasts Gunther with a knee strike to the face. Riddle, Owens, and Zayn sends Gunther flying over the top rope.

Backstage, Adam Pearce says Rhodes is still being evaluated, so he doesn’t have an update. Byron Saxton asks if Rhodes has a broken arm. Pearce responds he doesn’t have any information on that and walks away.

Ricochet vs. Bronson Reed

Ricochet lands a few strikes. After a few dropkicks to the knee, Ricochet takes Reed down to a knee with an enziguri. Ricochet hits the ropes and runs right into a body block from Reed. Leaping elbow drop by Reed. Reed hits the ropes and lands a basement body block. Ricochet ends up outside the ring. Reed lands a diving shoulder block off the apron. Ricochet is sent flying into the barricade.

After the break, Ricochet fights his way out of a suplex. Reed surprises Ricochet with a popup Samoan drop. Ricochet kicks out. Ricochet dropkicks Reed in the knee again. Basement superkick by Ricochet. Reed doesn’t go down. Spin kick to the face by Ricochet. Reed goes down. Running shooting star by Ricochet. Reed kicks out at one.

Springboard moonsault by Ricochet. Reed clotheslines Ricochet over the top. Reed tries another diving shoulder block off the apron, but Ricochet counters with a leaping knee to the face. Ricochet tries a springboard, but Reed hits the ropes. Ricochet gets hung up on the ropes. Reed hits a short-arm powerslam. Reed pins Ricochet after the Tsunami.

Winner- Bronson Reed

Zoey Stark vs. Candice LeRae

Stark attacks LeRae as soon as the bell rings. Stark sends LeRae flying with a suplex. LeRae kicks out. Stark beats down LeRae. Nikki Cross runs down to ringside and starts cheering for LeRae. LeRae surprises Stark with a dropkick. Corner splash by LeRae. Stepup senton by LeRae. LeRae lands a dive after sending Stark out of the ring. LeRae sends Stark back into the ring. Cross hugs LeRae as she is trying to get in the ring. In the confusion. Stark sends them both into the ring steps. Stark brings LeRae back into the ring and hits the Z360 for the win.

Winner- Zoey Stark

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