Omos Omosapiens
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Omos Didn’t Realize How Popular Wrestling Is In Nigeria Until He Went Home

Omos got a new perspective on how far WWE’s reach actually goes.

During a recent interview on INSIGHT with Chris Van Vliet, Omos spoke about how popular wrestling is in Nigeria. Omos says he didn’t realize how popular the one true sport was, but he found out firsthand when he got a huge reception upon returning to the country.

“To be honest, I didn’t think it was [that popular] until I went back home last year and I truly just understand the magnitude of fans we have. Not just in Nigeria, but all over Africa as a whole and how people keep watching. You know, going back home actually for the first time in 14 years and just having regular day workers seeing me on the streets saying, ‘Omos! Omos!’ And I’m kind of shocked because I wasn’t expecting that type of reception.

“But, like it went down to meeting, you know, the current vice president of Nigeria and like his kids are watching the pay-per-view, you know right after we did Saudi last year Braun and I. You know go back going back home and the President’s like we saw you what are you doing here? I’m like I came to visit my family. He knows WWE, he goes we just saw you a couple days ago in Saudi Arabia I’m just like wow, like this is like I did not know it is extremely popular back home. They have this [show], it’s called Jumbo on the cable network. They get 24/7 programming for WWE; they can watch WWE 24/7 every day.”

MVP spoke with WrestleZone about Omos’ potential in WWE. He says uninformed fans might be quick to criticize The Nigerian Giant’s skills, but he’s a future world champion in the making.

“No other giant in the WWE had all the tools that the ‘Nigerian Giant’ possesses. And I see people tend to be overly critical of him, but he’s only four years in, and in four years he’s facing Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania and he’s 30 years old, so he’s got another 10, 15 years ahead of him career-wise. So, you’re seeing a baby Nigerian giant. And I can understand where a lot of people who aren’t as intellectually astute or sophisticated would be able to see all that Omos brings to the table and shame on them. In time, they won’t be able to not recognize the greatness of this Omos because one day, he’s going to be WWE Champion.”


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