Savio Vega Steve Austin
Photo Credit: WWE

Savio Vega Reflects On Wrestling Steve Austin In An Arena Without Power In WWE

Savio Vega knows firsthand that sometimes things happen in this world that are even out of WWE‘s control.

WWE Legend Savio Vega was a recent guest on The Ten Count with Steve Fall to discuss a wide variety of subjects. When asked about his Caribbean Strap match against Steve Austin at In Your House: Beware of Dog, which had to be done twice due to a power outage in the arena, Vega went in-depth on his experience that evening.

“If you see the history that I have in the old WWF held a lot of things here because, from that moment on, that’s when they say we need to have generators all over the place every time we do pay-per-view,” Savio Vega revealed. “So when the Caribbean Strap match came up with Steve and me, we start killing a bit of time to see if the lights pop up.

“So we are killing time, and they told me, ‘Hey, kill some time.’ because the cameras still have batteries, so they’re taping a little bit, so killing time around the ring here and there. So they have security lights, and my eyes started to adjust to the dark a little bit. But anyway, there were lights around so you can see a little bit. So we’re killing time, and here comes Bruce; we already have a lot more than five minutes.

“So here comes Bruce and says, ‘Guys, you need to start the match.’ and then Steve swings the belt and catches me across my head. He hit me so hard I’m like, you son of a bitch! So when Bruce said hey guys start, so we put the strap on, and we did the match. And that match was the best Carribean Strap match that we did. And that match wasn’t live, wasn’t taped. I mean, we taped a little bit. The second one was an encore on Tuesday.

“When we finished the match, they told us just wrestle; we tell you if the lights come up, just continue like normal. We finished the match, no light. The light come back at the last match, which was Shawn Michaels. So when we are back, here comes Pat who says, ‘Savio, Steve, on Tuesday, we’re coming back to do that match because it wasn’t shown on the pay-per-view. We were like oh, okay.

“We were all beat up, so we they gave us Monday free, no TV, and to be ready for Tuesday, and we did the Caribbean — we changed a couple of things here and there. But we have the second one, and it was good too. That’s when they added the stipulation that if I lost, I gotta be the chauffeur. If not, Ted DiBiase leaves.

“That’s when he was already up after the pay-per-view where he leaves for WCW, so they come up with that idea. And Pat says, ‘Do you sing?’ I said no. He said, ‘Well, you got to sing this song nah nah nah nah. Try!’ I thought he was joking. He said no, you gotta sing it in English; I don’t even speak English!

“So that’s what we did. And we had a good match. Good chemistry from the beginning with Steve because we’re coming from two different territories. But I always say that we have that chemistry because we study the same book of wrestling, basic. And we worked inside the ring that way and had great matches.”

READ MORE: Savio Vega: I Hear WWE Wants To Use Bad Bunny At WWE SummerSlam

What do you make of Savio Vega’s comments? Were you watching WWE during this era? If so, do you remember this match? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

If you use any of the quotes above, please credit The Ten Count with a link back to this article for the transcription.


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