IMPACT Wrestling Rebellion
Image Credit: IMPACT Wrestling

IMPACT Rebellion Results (4/16/23): Steve Maclin vs. KUSHIDA, More

IMPACT Wrestling will deliver a star-studded show with IMPACT Rebellion on April 16.

Two new champions are guaranteed to be crowned; Steve Maclin will face KUSHIDA for the IMPACT World Championship, and Jordynne Grace will battle Deonna Purrazzo for the vacant IMPACT Knockouts World Championship.

Countdown to Rebellion pre-show

Champagne Singh & Shera defeated Rhino & Health; Singh pinned Heath by putting his feet on the ropes. Rhino dropped Singh with a Gore after the bell.

IMPACT Knockouts World Tag Team Championship: The Coven (Taylor Wilde & KiLynn King) (c) defeated the Death Dollz (Rosemary & Jessicka)

Main Show

IMPACT Tag Team Championship – Ultimate X: Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (c) vs. The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin)

The two teams exchange fast-paced offense early on. Sabin wrenches Austin’s arm in the Ultimate X structure. The champions gain the upper hand, gut Sabin drops them with a double clothesline. Shelley briefly holds Sabin and Bey down, allowing Sabin to climb the cables, but Austin pulls him down. Austin and Sabin trade kicks. Ace dives onto the Guns at ringside. Sabin climbs up to meet Austin on the ropes and stops him from getting the titles. All four men climb up, but they all drop. Bey drops Shelley with the Art of Finesse, and Austin hits him with the Fold. Bey climbs up and goes for the the the titles, and he unhooks them, even as Sabin hits him and tries to stop him.

Winners and still IMPACT World Tag Team Champions: Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Chris Bey)

Joe Hendry, Dirty Dango & Santino Marella vs. The Design (Big Kon, Angels, Deaner and Callihan)

Dango and Angels start the bout, and Dango gains the upper hand. Marella tags in and Angels dodges a Cobra attempt. Angels briefly takes control, but Marella rallies with a slam. Hendry tags in and clears house with a flurry of offense. Hendry suplexes Deaner. Dango and Callihan tag in. The Design takes control and isolates Deaner. Marella makes the hot tag. Kon attacks him from behind. The match breaks down in chaos. Hendry hits a double fallaway slam. Callihan plants Hendry with a piledriver. Deaner gives a bat to Callihan, and he attacks Deaner with it. Callihan walks away. Marella hits Deaner with the Cobra for the win.

Winners: Joe Hendry, Dirty Dango & Santino Marella

In an interview, Tommy Dreamer and his team look ahead to the Hardcore War match. Dreamer emotionally talks about how his mom is in the hospital; he says it’s been the worst week of his life, but he has to keep moving forward. He says IMPACT told him he didn’t have to compete if he didn’t want to, but he wanted to be there for his team. Dreamer notes hell be going away for a bit after the match tonight, and he tearfully thanks everyone.

Last Rites Match: PCO vs. Eddie Edwards (with Alisha Edwards)

PCO dives onto Edwards at ringside. They brawl, and PCO gains the upper hand. PCO hits a senton on Edwards and keeps rolling, causing him to roll into the barricade at ringside. Back in the ring, Edwards rallies, and PCO seemingly dislocates his shoulder. Edwards hits a Tiger Driver. Edwards hits a German suplex. PCO smashes his shoulder into the ring post in an apparent effort to deal with the pain or put it back in place. PCO and Edwards trade blows. PCO hits the PCO-sault. Edwards avoids getting put in the casket by rolling out of the way. PCO dives onto Edwards at ringside. PCO slams Edwards on the ramp. Edwards slams PCO on the ramp. Edwards tries to put PCO in the casket, but the big man fights out of it. Alisha Edwards hits PCO with a shovel. Eddie accidentally kicks Alisha. PCO puts Edwards in the casket and closes the lid.

Winner: PCO

IMPACT Rebellion Results Continue On The Next Page!

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