WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (4/4/23)

WWE NXT Results
April 4, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Stand and Deliver Results (4/1/23)

In-Ring Segment: NXT Women’s Champion Indi Hartwell

The crowd showers Hartwell with a “You deserve it!” chant. Hartwell says they have no idea how long she has waited to hear that. She never thought it would happen. She won the tag titles with Candice LeRae, but can she do it on her own? The NXT Universe never gave up on her. Hartwell thanks Roxanne Perez because there wouldn’t have been a ladder match without her. Hartwell wants to give Perez the first shot. Zoey Stark interrupts. Stark says Hartwell sucks and doesn’t deserve the title. She’s a beatable champ. Stark wants a title match now. Hartwell agrees. She wants Stark to show her how beatable she is.

Tony D’Angelo and Stacks vs. Pretty Deadly

Stacks and D’Angelo control most of the match. After a distraction from Wilson, Prince slams D’Angelo’s head into an exposed turnbuckle. Prince rolls up D’Angelo for the win.

Winners- Pretty Deadly

Djak vs. Odyssey Jones

As soon as the bell rings, both men trade shots. Jones sends Dijak into the corner. Running splash by Jones. Jones charges in again, but Dijak destroys him with a cyclone boot. Dijak lands a few strikes. Hammer throw by Jones. Dijak falls over the top rope. Dijak dives off the top, but Jones catches him in the air. World’s Strongest Slam by Jones. Dijak kicks out. Jones goes up top. Dijak cuts him off with a big boot. Dijak pulls Jones off the top and hits a death valley driver. Jones kicks out. Dijak flattens Jones with a moonsault for the win.

Winner- Dijak

Dragon Lee vs. Nathan Frazer

Before the match start, Noam Dar grabs a mic and says after months of negotiation, he has arrived in NXT. He has the Heritage Cup with him. He will decide if anyone is worthy of a shot at his trophy. Dar sits down at ringside to watch the match. Lee and Frazer trade pin attempts and submission holds. Frazer fires up and tries a ranna. Lee flips out of it and lands on his feet. Lee and Frazer tumble around the ring avoiding each other’s attacks, leading to a stalemate. After the break, Lee cut Frazer off up top. Frazer elbows his way out of Lee’s suplex attempt.

Lee pops back up to the top and tosses Frazer with a German suplex. Frazer lands on his feet and lands a running kick. Lee responds with a shotgun dropkick. Frazer falls into the corner. Basement dropkick by Lee. Frazer kicks out. Lee goes up top. Frazer cuts him off, but Lee knocks Frazer into a tree of woe. Double stomp by Lee. Lee calls for his finish. Frazer counters with a superkick. Lee kicks out. Lee and Frazer trade strikes. Frazer tries a lariat, but Lee reverses it into a Liger Bomb! Frazer kicks out. Running knee strike by Lee. Lee pins Frazer.

Winner- Dragon Lee

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Stand and Deliver Results (4/1/23)

Andre Chase announces to the rest of Chase U that Duke Hudson will be awarded the MVP award for his performance at Stand and Deliver next week. A super excited Hudson hops on the stage and celebrates with a loud Chase U chant.

Backstage, Wes Lee puts over his competitors at Stand and Deliver. The one that stood out to him was Axiom. He almost kicks Lee’s head off Saturday night. Lee feels like he owes him one. He’ll get that chance tonight.

NXT Women’s Championship Match: Indi Hartwell (c) vs. Zoey Stark

Hartwell lands two body slams. Stark gets to her feet. Hartwell hits two short-arm clotheslines. Stark responds with a springboard clothesline. Stark lands a few strikes and sets up her finish. Hartwell escapes. Stark works over Hartwell. Hartwell fires up and tosses Stark out to the apron. Hartwell stuns Stark on the top rope. Stark trips Hartwell and hits here modified Arabian press. Hartwell kicks out. Stark continues her assault. Stark misses a springboard dropkick.

Both women are down. Big boot by Hartwell. Hartwell lands her flying elbow on Stark’s back. Stark kicks out. Hartwell and Stark trade strikes. Stark yells that Hartwell doesn’t deserve it. Stark tries a springboard. Hartwell catches Stark in midair and hits a spinebuster. Stark kicks out. Stark surprises Hartwell with the K360. Hartwell falls out of the ring. Stark brings Hartwell back into the ring for a pin. Hartwell kicks out and rolls Stark into a crucifix pin for the win!

Winner and STILL NXT Women’s Champion, Indi Hartwell!

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Stand and Deliver Results (4/1/23)

Stark goes nuts in the ring, kicking the turnbuckle. Stark leaves. Hartwell celebrates in the ring. Tiffany Stratton walks out on the stage. Stratton yells about Hartwell pushing her off a ladder Saturday night. Cora Jade attacks Hartwell from behind. Double arm DDT by Jade. Jade rolls out of the ring and argues with Stratton about who deserves the next shot.

In the parking lot, Jade refuses to explain her actions. She will tell us next week. Lyra Valkyria walks in and tells Jade that she is focused on the future, but she hasn’t forgotten about Jade.

Ivy Nile vs. Tatum Paxley

As soon as the bell rings, Nile is all over Paxley. Paxley slaps Nile. Nile kicks Paxley in the face over and over again. Rope hang suplex by Paxley. Paxley works over Nile. Nile fires up and hits a suplex. Double leg slam by Nile. Nile lands a kick that sends Paxley flying out of the ring. Nile follows, and punt kicks Paxley in the gut. Paxley begs off after being tossed back into the ring. Paxley blocks a kick from Nile. Nile rolls Paxley into a modified dragon sleeper. Paxley taps out.

Winner- Ivy Nile

After the match, The Creeds celebrate with Nile.

Backstage, Von Wagner interrupts Ilja Dragonuv’s interview. He wants a match. Mr. Stone breaks it up and tells Wagner he’ll get him the match if he really wants it, but if Wagner loses, they are done.

North American Championship Match: Wes Lee (c) vs. Axiom

Lee and Axiom trade strikes and pin attempts. Neither man can get an advantage. Axiom sends Lee flying with a rope walk ranna. Lee falls out of the ring. Suicide dive by Axiom. Axiom goes up top. Lee cuts Axiom off with a rising palm strike. Axiom hits the floor with a thud. After the break, Axiom has Lee in an ankle lock. Lee escapes. Axiom and Lee trade strikes. German suplex by Lee. Lee sets up the Cardiac Kick.

Axiom tries to counter with the Golden Ratio, but Lee adjusts in midair and hits a double stomp. Lee tries another Cardiac Kick, but Axiom catches him in a flying rear naked choke. Lee escapes. Axiom walks into a superkick from Lee. Lee tries the Final Flash. Axiom gets his knees up. Running knee by Axiom. Axiom calls for his finish. Lee ducks the Golden Ratio. Lee lands the Cardiac Kick for the win.

Winner and STILL North American Champion, Wes Lee!

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Stand and Deliver Results (4/1/23)

After the match, Axiom raises Lee’s hand. As Axiom is standing in the ring, a message from Scrypts plays in the arena. Scrypts tries to springboard in the ring, but Axiom obliterates him with the Golden Ratio.

In-Ring Segment: NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes w/ Trick Williams

Williams says the champ is here. Hayes quiets the crowd as they chant, “Melo!” Willams says Hayes did stand, and he did deliver. Hayes says there is no question who the man is around here. He is the NXT Champion. He is Him. Hayes puts over Bron Breakker. He truly respects Bron Breakker. That’s why he couldn’t be the Melo everyone is used to. Hayes asks Breakker to join him in the ring. Breakker’s music hits, and he walks to the ring. Hayes tells Breakker it was cool of him to hand him the title after the match.

He doesn’t know what’s next for Breakker but thank you on behalf of everyone in NXT. Breakker says Tomasso Ciampa did it for him, so he did it for Hayes. He doesn’t know what’s next for him, but congratulating Hayes is his honor. Breakker claps for Hayes. Breakker tries to leave. Hayes calls him back, and they shake hands and hug him. Breakker holds up Hayes’ arm… and proceeds to clothesline him. Williams charges in and eats a gorilla press power slam from Breakker. Breakker spears Hayes.

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