WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (3/28/23)

WWE NXT Results
March 28, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Results (3/21/23)

20-Man Battle Royal (Winner gets the last spot in the Stand and Deliver North American Championship Match)

Wes Lee is at the announce desk to watch the match. The final four are Dabba-Kato, Axiom, Nathan Frazer, and Charlie Dempsey. Kato is dumped over by the three smaller men. Axiom kicks Dempsey out of the ring. Axiom and Frazer are the final two. Axion and Frazer counter each other over and over again.

Axiom kicks Frazer in the head and tries to launch him over the top. Frazer springboards off the ropes and hits a moonsault DDT. Frazer eats a kick from Axiom. Axiom tries the Golden Ratio, but Frazer counters with a stiff superkick. Frazer walks into a kick from Axiom. Axiom tosses Frazer over, but Frazer holds on to the ropes. Axiom drop kicks Frazer in the face, then tosses him over the top for the win.

Winner- Nathan Frazer

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Results (3/21/23)

Wes Lee, JD McDonagh, Dragon Lee, and Ilja Dragonuv all join Axiom in the ring for a stand off.

Backstage, Andre Chase gives Tyler Bate a pep talk before his match tonight. Thea Hail is pumped. Duke Hudson is less than enthusiastic.

Backstage, Jensen and Briggs are waiting for Kiana James and Fallon Henley. Briggs expects James to tell Jensen she is cheating on him. When Henley and James arrive, James doesn’t cop to cheating. Instead, she tells Jensen she feels bad that they were left of Stand and Deliver, so she got them a tag match tonight. If Briggs and Jensen win, they will get added to the tag team title match at the PLE.

Tyler Bate w/Chase U vs. Von Wagner

Wagner floors Bate with a clothesline. Wagner works over Bate. Bate fires up and lands a flurry of offense. Bate can’t get Wagner off his feet. Wagner stumbles. Bate hits the ropes but Mr. Stone hooks his leg. Thea Hail attacks Mr. Stone. Hudson pulls down the rope to help Bate during a dive. Bate lands on Mr. Stone. Hudson and Bate high-five. Bate rolls back in the ring and hits a rebound clothesline. Wagner finally goes down. Bate hits the Spinning Boy off the top for the win.

Winner- Tyler Bate

After the match, Scisim appears on the ‘Tron. They rant about taking over Chase U.

Backstage, Roxanne Perez is backstage looking for Shawn Michaels.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Results (3/21/23)

After the break, Perez finds HBK. Perez wants in the ladder match. HBK says he doesn’t think she is ready. He suggests she gets a few matches under her belt, then challenge for the title after Stand and Deliver. Perez admits she struggles with anxiety but wants to win the title back that she never lost. HBK begrudgingly agrees to let Perez in the ladder match, provided the doctors test her.

Elektra Lopez vs. Valentina Feroz

Feroz is all over Lopez. Feroz tries a kick, but Lopez catches her foot and drops an elbow on her knee. Lopez works over Feroz’s knee. Feroz fires up and tries a crossbody off the top. Lopez catches Feroz and hits Electric Shock for the win.

Winner- Elecktra Lopez

Eddy Thorpe vs. Myles Bourne

Thorpe lands a crossbody. Bourne responds with a dropkick. Bourne and Thorpe trade shots. Thorpe eats a back elbow from Bourne. Bourne works over Thorpe. Thorpe lands a swinging neck breaker by Thorpe. Thorpe pins Bourne.

Winner- Eddy Thorpe

Pretty Deadly previews the matches coming up at Stand and Deliver.

Last Chance Triple Threat Match: Sol Ruca vs. Iy Nile vs. Indi Hartwell (Winner will be added to the women’s championship ladder match)

Everyone goes for quick pins. Ruca clears the ring and flattens Nile and Hartwell with a triangle moonsault. Ruca sends Hartwell back in the ring for a pin attempt. Hartwell kicks out. Nile dived off the top and lands a ranna on Ruca. Armbar by Nile. Hartwell breaks it up. Springboard splash by Ruca. Hartwell kicks out. Hartwell lands a spine buster. Ruca kicks out. Nile locks Hartwell in her modified dragon sleeper. Ruca charges in and drops Nile with the Sol Snatcher. Hartwell boots Ruca out of the ring. Nile sits up. Hartwell destroys Nile with a basement lariat for the win.

Winner- Indi Hartwell

After the match, the field for the women’s ladder match at Stand and Deliver surrounds the ring. Perez appears in the bird’s nest and holds up the NXT Women’s Championship. She’s officially been reinstated.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Results (3/21/23)

Hank Walker vs. Drew Gulak w/Charlie Dempsey

Gulak and Walker trade strikes. Big back-body drop by Walker. Gulak counters it, but Walker counters that. Walker and Gulak trade submission attempts. Walker fires up and hits a running shoulder tackle. Gulak kicks out. Walker traps Gulak in a cross-arm breaker. Gula manages to get his foot on the ropes. While the referee is caught between Gulak and Walker, Dempey clocks Walker from behind. Gulak rolls Walker into a roll up for the win.

Winner- Drew Gulak

Tony D’Angelo and Stacks vs. Briggs and Jensen

Briggs and Jensen get an early advantage. Backstage, Henley tries to force James to tells Jensen the truth. The two make their way to the ring. D’Angelo and Stacks hit Badaboom on Jensen. D’Angelo pins Jensen.

Winners- Tony D’Angelo and Stacks

After the match, Henley grabs a mic and says there is something James needs to tell Jensen. James says Henley is right. She drops the mic and kisses Jensen. Briggs is confused. Henley is incredulous.

In-Ring Segment: Grayson Waller

Security has surrounded the ring. Vic Joseph hands Waller the contract. Waller tells Joseph that whatever happens to his boy Johnny Gargano at Stand and Deliver is his fault. Waller dumps all over the NXT crowd and rants about his experiences so far in NXT. He stole the show at WarGames; all anyone could talk about is Johnny Wrestling. He took out Gargano out after than for stealing his thunder.

Waller says Gargano is going to lose at Stand and Deliver. Gargano’s music hits. Waller gets ready for a fight. The cameraman in the ring puts down his camera and takes of his mask. It’s Gargano. Gargano attacks Waller. Security tries to separate them. The fight spills out of the ring. Gagano and Waller are finally separated.

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